Windows & Doors special offers in Milnerton

We do all repairs at a good and affordable price glass replacement,sliding door repairs,stacking door repairs,pt windows,sliding windows etc feel free to contact us we will assist you

Aluminium maintenance,glass replacements,patio sliding doors rollers,sliding Windows,pt Windows all sorts of repairs in aluminum works you are welcome extremely affordable

For all your slidding doors problems we are here to restore at an affordable price

We have special offers on all repairs every single day at an affordable price like never before.We give you 10 months guarantee

All aluminium repairs together with glass replacements are done at a special price with a 5 months guarantee.Customers will only pay deposit for a job worth R2000 and above.

Matrix Glass does all servicing and Aluminium repairs at a reasonableprice.Our servicing are all guaranted for quite a long time.We also do the servicing of whole product that will be serviced without considering the particular problem

Repairs are done at a special price for customers who are around Cape Town.Each end of month standard aluminium windows and doors are going down for a good budget to our valuable customers.