Plumbing special offers in Boksburg

Take advantage of our free quotation offers for your home renovation needs this March. Take to us today for March discounted jobs.

  • Location: Boksburg CBD 1460Gauteng
  • Validity: from 10 Sep 2022 to 10 Sep 2025

Plumber Boksburg offers a wide range of plumbing services like General Plumbing, Water Leak Detection, Drain Cleaning And Water Heating in Boksburg. Provided below is a brief summary of each plumbing service.

Call us to secure an appointment that secures your cheaper Kitchen from as low as R18000 budget.Tell us your budget and we will help

If call us between now and February 14, the call out fee will be free if only you claim that offer... Secure your date before its too late. Claim the offer.

When you call us to come and do both kitchen and a Wardrobe at once, you get a discount of 10% for labor...Call us to secure a date