Building & Construction special offers in Atlasville

Liquid Rubber Sealant Wall Coating, scrap off peeling paint, open cracks and fill with poly filler , treat dampness where necessary, apply bonding liquid primer and apply 2 coats Rubber Sealant on walls

Waterproof the roof , pressure wash roof, Apply primer 1 coat , apply roof paint 2 coats , paint gutters and barge boards to match the roof paint

Rebuild ridges where necessary with cement, plaster sand and conticrete ( water barrier) seal ridges , check side wall & valley flushing replace where needed , waterproof

Remove old or damaged Barge Board, edge timber , install new timber , new Eco tuff Marley barge Board and paint to march the roof coating

Rebuild ridges where necessary - Check valley & side wall flushings and replace damaged - seal all flushings - seal ridges joints - pressure wash roof - 1 coat primer - 2 coats roof paint

Zinc Roof Waterproofing & Roof Coating - Replace damaged roof screws - Pop Rivet overlaps - Seal all roof screws & overlaps - Pressure wash roof - Apply Red Oxide primer where necessary - 1 coat bonding liquid primer -2 Coat Roof Paint

Scrap off peeling paint , open up cracks to 10mm deep , seal all cracks with poly filler or mortar proof + cement + plaster sand mixture , sand down , apply primer and 2 coats wall paint

Seamless Gutter Installation, gutters Manufactured on site no joints , no leaks , no rusting and 25 year warranty colour deteriorated