Garage Door Repairs
It can become a huge problem when your garage door stops working, there are many small things that can go wrong but can be easily fixed if you know what you are looking for. A bad connection or a faulty transmitter these can all be repaired with a little guidance.
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New Kitchen Look
With the advent of 3D design technology it has become far easier for kitchen designers and architects to effectively communicate ideas with their clients…or has it?
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Tree Felling
Trees need to be felled for a variety of reasons. Ensure your tree feller is a qualified professional and has the necessary insurance and equipment to complete the job. Always ask for a written quotation.
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Interior Designers
We all want the best for our homes, and have copious amounts of visions and Pinterest boards that map out every detail of our tastes, styles and preferences. However, not all of us have the capability and training to put these visions out into the real world. This is why HomeImprovement4U gives you access to the relaible and gifted hands of Interior
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10 Common Household Pests and How to Get Rid of Them
Pests like cockroaches, ants, rodents, and termites can cause major problems in your home. Learn how to tackle infestations with expert pest control, termite control & treatment, and preventative pest control strategies to keep your home safe and pest-free.
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The Importance of Taking a Proactive Approach to Roof Repairs
When it comes to keeping your roof in a healthy condition, prevention is definitely better than the cure
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Clothes Dryers
These machines make life just that little bit easier, they can make life a little bit more pricey but if used efficiently is the perfect way to have a fresh set of clothes ready the next day. The latest sensor technology on many models reduces drying times for greater energy efficient and time saving.
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Growing Citrus in Johannesburg
Lemon trees are the only citrus fruit trees that can tolerate any frost at all and as a result are the most popular of the Citrus plants grown in the JHB area.
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Garden Play Equipment
Many of you who are reading this will be looking to find a way to give your child a childhood that is filled with activity and outdoor play.
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Patio installation
A patio can be created with many materials, but it's hard to beat one made from pavers for ease of installation and low maintenance. It may sometimes come across at a greater cost but in the long run you will save more money as you will not have to continuously seal it and repair will be easier as you will know how it was all done and how it can be fixed.
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Cleaning Contractors
In terms of safety, hiring a reputable cleaning contracting company can be a safer bet in South Africa compared to hiring an individual cleaner, as companies are more likely to conduct background checks, verify references, and adhere to legal requirements such as obtaining work permits for their employees.
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Tips on Solar Geyser
Solar powered Geysers should be the future of many modern households, they help and save lots of needed electricity, especially during these Load Shedding times. Although buying them may be the hardest step, giving them a regular check is always recommended.
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Maximising Home Security with the Right Security Beams
Learn about different security beams and fortify your home against intruders.
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Automatic gate
When we clean our gardens we always look past giving our automatic gates the clean they need. This can help save your gate from any unnecessary breakage from rust and mould getting inside the machine
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Glass cutting
If you ever need to cut glass for some DIY work at home, follow these simple steps. These are 2 simple methods to cutting glass if you do not have a glass cutter. These 2 methods involve a few tools and need to be done very carefully for complete success
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Get roof repairs done in Cape Town before winter arrives!
It’s well worth your while to chat to the friendly team of roofing specialists at Empire Roofing if you suspect there may be trouble up above! You could save yourself a lot of time and money by getting to the root of any roofing issues before they become major problems!
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