How to attract birds to your garden
Having birds in your garden is a major advantage for garden health and beauty. Birds play a vital role in spreading seeds, removing pests, fertilising soil and adding natural beauty to your garden. For birding enthusiasts, a garden full of birds is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy their calls and tweets, as well as to view their beautiful plumage and interesting behaviour.
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Carpet Laying
Good advice is when having carpet laid, view a sample of it in the room that it will be laid in, so that you can see exactly what it will look like. Colours can often seem different in the showroom.
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Protect Your Oasis: Preventing Evaporation in Your Swimming Pool
Discover how pool covers can save water and money on maintenance for your swimming pool.
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If you are like most parents across the country, you probably are familiar with the idea of dragging your children (kicking and screaming) away from their beloved television screens.
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Gutter Instalation
Gutters don't look very impressive, but they're about as important as the roof over your head. Installing these properly is the only way for them to be completely beneficial to your house. Diverting the water can be used to help the environment by collecting it from the gutters
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Leaking Tiled Roof
A leaking roof causes severe damage to ceilings and walls depending on the location and size of the leak.
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The pros and cons of sandstone paving
Sandstone is one of the most popular paving materials and makes for a natural and light coloured paving style that has a distinctive appearance which some choose for its similarity to beach sand tones.
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Awnings instalment
All blinds are hand-woven to the customer’s requirements, we don’t make any standard sizes we weave it to the customer’s measurements
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Split air conditioner system: an energy efficient and affordable alternative
During hot summer seasons, air conditioners are a must to keep your home cool and fresh. For effective control of your home’s internal temperatures, a split air conditioner is a viable consideration that has the benefit of being unobtrusive and subtle.
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In-line Chlorine dispenser
The unit dispenses mild calcium based chlorine that forms a sanitising solution which is non-corrosive, pH stable and environmentally safe.
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Colour Consultants
As a client, you should be ready to show your Colour Consultant personal artifacts such as fabric, rugs and other décor items that will help them understand you as a person.
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Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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A driveway is not only something installed to create an easy entrance to your home, it is the first thing that quests see as they drive through your gates.
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Lawn and Turf
Your Lawn is one of the most important aesthetics of your garden, it is the first thing that people see when they look into your garden. The first spring lawn care tip is to update your lawn care maintenance schedule to match the warmer weather. Having turf as your lawn can make your life easier for future maintenance and to set down in your garden.
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Trellis Security gates are more than security gates
We recommend when shopping to buy trellis gates, especially in the coastal areas ,that you buy a gate with a 15 year anti corrosion guarantee.
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Your Ultimate Home Renovations Check List
When it comes to property renovations, doing your homework beforehand is the first thing you owe yourself. Proper planning is of paramount importance and it eliminates the two monsters that normally haunt both contractor and property owner; one: going over my budget, and two: taking longer than expected to finish a project. From my expensive bad experiences, I have come to understand that there is a checklist to follow if you want your property revamp to be hassle free.
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Preventative Pest Control: stop a problem before it starts
Preventative pest control is the first point of call when it comes to any plan to rid your garden of pests.
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