Clients should be able to call contractors years after the work has beeen completed related to any issues which arise immediately after the job was completed or even years later.
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Unlocking the Secrets of Safe Drinking Water: A DIY Guide for Borehole Owners
Discover DIY methods to ensure your borehole water is safe and drinkable, with essential testing tips and key parameters covered.
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However, as tedious as the chore of cleaning windows can be, making an effort to keep them sparkling is important and beneficial for you and your family. Consider the following reasons why window cleaning will make your life better.
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Borehole pumps
Protection for borehole pumps can be done by using a control unit, switching units or probes for level switches.
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For those who aren’t sure what timber cladding is- It is also known as timber weatherboarding or timber siding. finishing the timber on the outside of commercial and domestic properties. This lets the wood edges look more appealing and modern.
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Wallpaper trends for the creative homemaker
There are so many options when it comes to wallpaper design that choosing the right one for your home can be overwhelming. To make your search for the perfect wallpaper a little easier, it is always advisable to check out the latest and most popular trends.
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Most home improvement projects require the disposal of waste material and the best and possibly most efficient way to do this is to hire skip bins.
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Decorators: Finding your guide for brilliant design
Hiring an interior decorator to guide you through the designing process of homemaking may seem like an unnecessary expense, but there are real benefits to seeking a professional.
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Fiberglass vs. Concrete Pools in South Africa:
Ultimately, the decision between a fibreglass and a concrete pool depends on various factors, including your budget, desired customisation, time frame, maintenance capabilities, and geographical location.
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Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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Pool and Snooker Tables
Having a pool table is a great for use in social situations and with the family, but it is also very important to maintain the table for best use and to have the best equipment for when playing the game!
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When do your chimney and fireplace require a professional clean?
Keeping your chimney and fireplace clean has a lot more benefits besides basic hygiene. A clean chimney and fireplace reduces a smoky odour in the home, allows a fire to burn nicely, prevents smoke from billowing into living spaces and decreases the chance of a fire emergency.
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How to care for your trees in winter
During winter, trees are likely to take strain in your garden due to changes in temperature, precipitation, sunlight exposure and other seasonal fluctuations. Follow these top tips to make sure you take care of your trees and ensure they emerge healthy on the other end of the winter season.
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Creative ideas for your garden art
Garden art can give your home’s outdoor area a personal touch and sense of character that speaks to your tastes, and that complements the design-aesthetic of your main home. However, it is important to choose garden art decisively and with a purpose in mind, rather than simply collecting pieces that clutter your garden and look more like junk than tasteful decor.
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Economic Opportunities in the Circular Economy: Waste Management Entrepreneurship
Explore how waste management entrepreneurship in South Africa is driving economic growth and sustainability through innovative circular economy practices.
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Underfloor Heating
As daily household practices are changing in response to Global warming and high electricity costs, households are looking for more environmentally friendly electrical heating systems.
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