Carpet Tiles
Finally, nylon is a carpet material that offers the benefits of being fire-retardant and antistatic, as well as being a highly durable product that is easy to clean.
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Winter Season Pool Tips
It is that time of year again when you wont be using your pool and it is going to turn into a green swamp just like winter promises. So it is your job to try make sure that you do what you can to make sure that when summer comes again you have nice blue pool to swim in.
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French Doors
French doors have been installed by home owners around the world, and add a distinct element of class and style. Installing French Doors in your home is a sure way to make a statement that begins from the moment you walk through them!
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Tree Felling Laws in South Africa: A Comprehensive Guide
In South Africa, the government has implemented laws and regulations to protect trees from being cut down without proper authorization.
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Gazebos and Pergolas
Pergolas will help you have that beautiful structure in your backyard to give you shade, cover your hot tub, or simply define an outdoor space into something special. This can be done all on your own and let you add that last aesthetic touch.
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Swimming Pools
Swimming Pools are the best way to escape from the South African heat without having to compromise being out in the open air. A swimming pool is where parents get to relax and where children get to play with reckless abandon.
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LED: light up your home the eco-friendly way
LED lighting stands for light emitting diode and functions by conducting electricity directly and only into light, rather than into light and heat.
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Carports are a lot cheaper choice than a garage and are great for storing cars. They can also be used for entertaining. However, carports, due to their open nature, are not as secure as garages. The advantage of a carport over a garage (beside the cheaper cost) is that they can be added onto over time should you need more space. Also you can utilise previous ‘dead’ space and add great value to your home!
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The Cost of Home Renovations: What's the Most Expensive Addition?
Explore the costs of home renovations in South Africa, with kitchen and bathroom renovations typically topping the list due to high-quality materials and labor. Despite the initial expense, these projects can greatly enhance your home's value and functionality.
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Fireplace Cleaning
Having a home wood fireplace can be great for the cold times in the winter, the only problem that can come with this is safety and having to clean up so you still have that comfortable clean look of a fireplace
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In-line Chlorine dispenser
The unit dispenses mild calcium based chlorine that forms a sanitising solution which is non-corrosive, pH stable and environmentally safe.
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Why get a steam room
We all know the usual use for having a steam room, to lose that little bit of excess fat. But there are many more benefits that you may not know about that will give you a lot more reason to invest in your own steam room in your house.
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Shades Cleaning
Cleaning blinds is the one thing that many people put off but only takes about 30 minutes a month to get of your conscious. Shades come in many different types and each has its own way of cleaning and these can usually be made out of delicate fabrics, like silk, should be professionally cleaned, everything else you can clean on your own .
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Home Automation
Home Automation sounds, to the inexperienced ear, like one of the most overwhelming and terrifying concepts in the world. What we don’t think about, however, that we have been living in automated homes for a vast majority of our lives.
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Colour Consultants: Choosing the perfect hue for your home
The function of a colour consultant is to know the effects and atmosphere given off by certain colours and, based on this knowledge, give clients advice when it comes to choosing colour schemes for their home.
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Security Guards
Security guards function as a deterrent to trespassers, burglars, and vandals when you have the right people and use them effectively. They can be placed on the top of your street, by the gate of your home or work building or even in the property.
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Manufacture, installation, repair and maintenance of aluminium products
During repairs kindly ensure that the glass installed is the same size, type and colour as the one that was removed for your satisfaction as a client.
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