Electrical Installation in a new building
Embedding of conduit pipes on walls and underfloor.
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Construction is a very delicate practice
soil samples have to be taken to predict the standup time
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Carpet Tiles
Finally, nylon is a carpet material that offers the benefits of being fire-retardant and antistatic, as well as being a highly durable product that is easy to clean.
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Introduction to Glass Building Products
Safety Precautions: If glass is damaged or broken on site, engage in a expert glazier to manage the situation, as broken glass, is a safety hazard.
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-Avoid switching on and off the circuit breaker for the geyser by the main, for it will lead up to the element getting burnt.
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Printing on Canvas, Where do I start?
You can do your own sketch of sizes and ideas you have to see if it will work for your wall space
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Shingles Roofing
Roof shingles form a barrier against the harsh weather, they can also give a nice look to your house. They can do this because they consist of a series of individual overlapping components, that when laid together in rows starting at the bottom edge of a roof protect the house to a great extent
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Solar Heating
Lowering your electricity bill and being energy conscious are two of the most prominent reasons for converting to solar energy. Although the initial setup may be costly and time consuming, the end result is always well worth it- for both your wallet and your carbon footprint. Solar water heating works through a process of converting sunlight into heat energy that increases the temperature of water. Solar panels often have a mirror system that concentrates sunlight into a smaller surfa
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Fly screens: for simple and subtle protection
Fly screens, which are also known as window screens, are the perfect solution for homes in areas where insects are a problem for homeowners.
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How to burglar-proof your windows
Windows are one of the easiest entry points to your home for dangerous intruders. In addition to having the standard security implements, such as fencing, alarm systems or motion detectors, adequate window security is a must. Follow these simple tips to ensure your windows keep out criminals:
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Window Cleaning and Repairs
Most window cleaning companies clean interior and exteriors windows, including fly screens, skylights, stained glass, window sills, removal of scratches, remove cobwebs, clean and repair flyscreen’s, clean gutters, and pressure washing.
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Common home security system problems to avoid
Alarm systems are a vital tool for protecting your family and home. However, correctly installing, maintaining and using these systems are not as straight-forward as most would assume. Ensure you are aware of these common errors in home alarm system use to make sure you get the most out of your alarm system’s security potential.
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Sewerage and Waste Removals
Wet waste can become a nuisance in your house, it often leaves a smell and a mark on the floor if it is there for too long, it can also if not disposed of properly be harmful to the environment, if you are able to remove the waste properly then you are saving yourself and the environment.
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Clothes Dryers
These machines make life just that little bit easier, they can make life a little bit more pricey but if used efficiently is the perfect way to have a fresh set of clothes ready the next day. The latest sensor technology on many models reduces drying times for greater energy efficient and time saving.
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When do your chimney and fireplace require a professional clean?
Keeping your chimney and fireplace clean has a lot more benefits besides basic hygiene. A clean chimney and fireplace reduces a smoky odour in the home, allows a fire to burn nicely, prevents smoke from billowing into living spaces and decreases the chance of a fire emergency.
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3D design: the latest in design technology
3D design is one of the latest innovations in design technology. It can be described as a process of mathematically representing any surface or object in three-dimensional visualization software.
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Garden play equipment: create an imaginative world in your backyard
The garden of your home can be used for more than gardening or exercising pets. Garden play equipment can turn your garden into a haven for children and a perfect place for them to spend the day expending energy and learning important developmental skills.
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