Brick laying
This article will dissect two elements involved in construction, namely: brick laying and retaining walls.
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A simple guide to raft foundations
Raft foundations are also known as Mat foundations and are large slabs of concrete that are used to support both walls and columns.
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Bath and Showers
Time to redo the bathroom but cannot decide which bath or shower to choose? Well this can be a very enjoyable job instead of a chore, Choosing your bath and shower can be an exciting DIY experieince for you and can give you the bathroom you always wanted.
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Early Leak Detection Can Save You Thousands of Rands
If you suspect a problem, the best advice is to act sooner rather than later to help minimise the potential damage
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Expert tips for improving your home's market value
When selling a house a new roof increases its market value.
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Buying and using a Pool Table
Pool tables can be a great accessory to your home, if you are able to manage the space and know you can manage the table then this can be the perfect buy for you and your family for entertainment in your home with your friends.
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Exploring the Feasibility of Installing a Tennis Court at Home
While installing a tennis court at home may require careful consideration and planning, the benefits it offers in terms of convenience, fitness, and entertainment make it a worthwhile investment for many homeowners
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Bagging or rendering: which one is for you?
One of the best ways to update the exterior appearance of your home is through bagging or rendering.
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Common Electrical Problems
There always comes a time when we have electrical problems in our homes, if these problems are not treated seriously and with the correct care then you may find yourself with a much bigger problem in the near future. Here are some of the common problems that people may face.
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What is the difference between Grid-Tied, Hybrid and Off-Grid solar systems?
Africa municipalities are currently buying electricity from homeowners at a lower rate than selling it to them.
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Pool Heating
If you are a pool owner, you will understand the allure of having a pool that is warm and ready to use all year round. Thanks to pool heaters, the option of having a pool that is available through all seasons is something worth investing in! There are a few variations of pool heaters that each have their own unique benefit
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Ceiling Fans
One investment to consider is the ceiling fan. A ceiling fan will ensure that you are calm, cool and collected throughout the warmer seasons
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The benefits of owning an automated home
Home automation is one of the newest and most advanced options for homeowners looking for increased control and customizability when it comes to their homes. Automated homes allow owners to manipulate aspects of their home from a distance with the use of, for example, a cell phone. Automated homes are advantageous in many areas, with remote monitoring, energy efficiency and convenience ranking at the top of a long list of benefits.
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For projects that span over 3 months, it is very important to understand that material (hardware) prices may change at any time of the year.
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Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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How to Identify Defects in Old Buildings
Old buildings in their glorious times boast of beautifully crafted window panes, blinds, door panels, etc
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