Tree cutting
When fixing up our gardens it is always a scary job to cut down a tree, if you don't want to hire a professional there is a way to do it with some help and a few appliances to make the job easier. Be cautious when doing the job as one mistake could cause injury but if done correctly can be a very smooth job.
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Choosing the perfect trees to bring your garden to life
Trees are the centrepiece of the garden and can give shade, support ecosystems, provide a perfect place for children to play, or serve as a picnic site.
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Top tips for cleaning glass surfaces in the home
Cleaning the glass surfaces in your home, such as windows or mirrors, should be done with specific methods in mind to ensure you achieve a spotless, clear, and highly reflective surface. Follow these simple tips to ensure you give your glass the most thorough clean possible:
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How to ventilate your bathroom
Bathrooms are notoriously prone to dampness and poor ventilation because they are exposed to higher levels of warm steam, water and heat than other household areas.
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Home Automation
Home Automation sounds, to the inexperienced ear, like one of the most overwhelming and terrifying concepts in the world. What we don’t think about, however, that we have been living in automated homes for a vast majority of our lives.
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Safety tips for electric heaters
Electric heaters can be one of the most comforting and useful household products during cold winter months. They are also known for being cost effective and highly efficient at heating large surface areas. However, they do come with a risk if used incorrectly or without correct caution. Follow these tips to make sure you get maximum enjoyment out of your electric heater while ensuring your own safety and that of your family and property:
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How to Identify Defects in Old Buildings
Old buildings in their glorious times boast of beautifully crafted window panes, blinds, door panels, etc
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Leaking Tiled Roof
A leaking roof causes severe damage to ceilings and walls depending on the location and size of the leak.
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Painting your Roof is equally important as pressure cleaning it or leakage repairs.The first and foremost thing to check before painting it is that you must make sure that the surface of the roof is dirt free and dry before you paint it.
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Carports: a simple solution for storing your vehicle
Having a car means needing a place to store it when you’re not on the go. When it comes to keeping your car at home, finding a place for it that is safe, functional and aesthetically pleasing are all important considerations.
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Your Choice of Fan
Wanting to air up the place in the summer is always a good idea, the heat can really ruin your ,motivation during the day. Selecting the right fan for a room size and choosing one that suit the mood of a room. You don't want to make the mistake of having a fan blowing your papers all around the room.
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Insulation Installation
Insulation is the way in which you trap heat in your home without the use of energy or electricity, but rather by making use of various materials installed in your walls or roof. Insulation materials come in an extremely wide variety, and each material holds its own benefits and functions. Homeowners need to be able to understand the different materials available to them and which one would be most ben
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Sliding Doors
Having a sliding door can introduce lots of light and air into your chosen living space, this can be a very important job as you want the door that will best suit your needs and gives your house the look you want. selecting the ideal materials and understanding how they may affect the door’s performance are important first steps.
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Lemon Trees
The first query here would be, do the trees flower? Flowers lead to fruit, and a lack of blooms means your tree cannot produce.
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Modern living luxury homes 101 with Tobb Group
The demand for modern living luxury apartments reflects a shift in our lifestyles — people want a place where they can work and play in one convenient and comfortable setting.
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Choosing the Right Security Provider for Your Home :
Safeguard your South African home effectively with the right security provider, installations, and alarm systems.
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Cabinet Doors
Cabinet doors serve a few purposes. Firstly they conceal what is behind the doors and then of course add to the decor of the room. It is therefore most important to choose the types, styles and designs of cabinet doors wisely as they can enhance or diminish the whole visual appearance of the room. Cabinets can either be free standing, built-in to a wall or affixed to it!
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