Pest Control prevention
Pests can really change the mood for a picnic or a Sunday Breakfast, one thing your enjoying a nice sweet snack and the next your swiping away flies and ants from your meal. There a few things that you can do to try and prevent this from happening.
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In-line Chlorine dispenser
The unit dispenses mild calcium based chlorine that forms a sanitising solution which is non-corrosive, pH stable and environmentally safe.
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Cabinet Doors
Cabinet doors serve a few purposes. Firstly they conceal what is behind the doors and then of course add to the decor of the room. It is therefore most important to choose the types, styles and designs of cabinet doors wisely as they can enhance or diminish the whole visual appearance of the room. Cabinets can either be free standing, built-in to a wall or affixed to it!
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Make your home bar the best in town
Building a home bar is one of the best ways to establish a central hub in your home where family and friends can gather to socialise. Home bars make entertaining guests that much easier and enable one to effortlessly host social events without having to spend all your time in the kitchen preparing snacks and drinks. Follow these top tips to ensure your home bar is the best in town:
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Interior design mistakes to avoid
Interior design is a true art that some are more naturally skilled in than others. Improve your interior designing skills by taking note of these definite don’ts:
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Warranty Inspection
A home warranty check, often referred to as a home inspection, is typically conducted to assess the condition of a property before it is sold.
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A surveyor is responsible for ensuring that a building is safe, accessible and energy efficient.
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Your first building experience?
While you do want the best quality construction, you also want to ensure that every cent you spend is delivering value
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Hydronic Heating
Hydronic heating is one of the most popular home-heating solutions today. It functions by circulating warmed water through radiators, radiant tubing in one’s ceilings or floors, or through warming baseboards.
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How to Identify Defects in Old Buildings
Moreover, inadequate draining and cracking concrete are also evident. Cement, bricks, concrete, wood, etc. are the most common raw materials of Indian houses. Older houses have older bricks and mortars exposed to temperature fluctuations and moisture years after years.
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Tips for Carpet Repairs
Repairing a carpet or runner at home can be a DIY project, depending on the extent of the damage
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When you suspect that your geyser has burst, the first thing you need to do is to switch off the water supply
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Picture it. A bright summer sun and sky over green lawns and the sound of Christmas beetles and birds. That heavenly summer feeling and the smell of freshly cut grass.
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Glass Pool Fencing
Glass is one of the best types of pool fences for your home, it can be very pricey but in the long run it can bring a very nice aesthetic to your garden and is a very safe option if you have kids. One of the mos important things when having these fences is keeping them clean.
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Limestone Renders
Having limestone rendering can be a very safe option for you and your family! Plaster is coating a surface with cement render or plaster finish on an internal or external wall. Plaster is for decoration and protection of every building.
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Nursery tips
There are always a few things that we forget when we have our own nursery and kid, the simple things that sometimes in your moment of tiredness you may forget. So here is a little bit of help for those who just need a few extra cleaning tips
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Kitchen Plumbers
Sometimes things go wrong with your kitchen and you are just lost on what to do. Small and basic things can easily go wrong in your kitchen plumbing that have very understandable methods to fix. It is not always completely necessary to have a Plumber but if you do contact some of our trained professionals.
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