Trellis Security gates are more than security gates
We recommend when shopping to buy trellis gates, especially in the coastal areas ,that you buy a gate with a 15 year anti corrosion guarantee.
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Tips to make your relocation experience easier
Moving to a new place of residence is often a stressful event. There are multiple chores that need to be done and preparing to live somewhere new can take longer than expected. To make your moving experience as stress-free and efficient as possible, consider these top tips for packing and moving your belongings with ease:
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Cupboards and Wardrobes
Drawers and pull out racks are a good idea to include in your design. Suppliers of cupboards and wardrobes should offer a good quality product and service.
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The approximate starting price for a basic, small-sized swimming pool in South Africa is from R 50,000 to R100,000.
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The Essential Role of Professional Services in Carpet and Fabric Protection
Carpet protection is just one aspect of the equation. When it comes to home improvement, attention to detail is key, especially when dealing with upholstery and drapery.
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Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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Bathroom Fittings
Once you have completed the design phase of your bathroom and selected elements such as the bath, basin and shower you will need to choose the appropriate fittings for this room. Typical bathroom fittings may include: · Taps · Shower heads · Towel rails · Drains · Soap dishes · Electrical fittings
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Floods - What to do?
All South African rivers experience flooding at one time or another. The potential for flood damage is particularly high where there is development on low-lying, flood-prone lands.
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The Essentials of Tarring a Driveway in South Africa
Discover the key steps and considerations for successful driveway tarring in South Africa.
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Top tips for carpet cleaning
Carpet flooring can lend a sense of comfort and warmth to a home that hardwood, tile or cement floors often do not achieve. However, keeping one’s carpets clean and stain free can be a challenge as there is no single method for removing different types of stains. Follow this guide to boost your carpet-cleaning skills and know what to do with particular types of spills or marks on your carpet flooring:
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Swimming Pool Cleaning
There’s nothing worse than a murky, green swimming pool. Keeping your’s clean this season is certainly worth it if you want a cool, clean place to dip and relax all summer long. Read through our guide on how to keep your swimming pool blue and beautiful. Firstly, it is important to understand why your pool goes green. The unpleasant green colour is attributed to algae which are visible because of their vivid green pigment; called chlorophyll. The more algae multiply in your pool water, the greener it will be. Ele
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Lighting installation
Lighting installation is can usually be much more difficult than people think. There are many things to take into account when you are installing a new light into your house, if all things are taken into account before and during the job, you should have a new light in no time.
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Wendy Houses and Garden Huts
Wendy houses are makers of memories. They provide years of entertainment and childhood fun. As such, cubby houses must be sturdy in construction and should be made to last. And, much like a normal home, they have to withstand the harsh South African climate. The good news is that the Wendy house of today fills this brief. With extremely high construction standards, a range of attractive features and safety at the forefront, there’s a Wendy house to suit every family!
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Modern living luxury homes 101 with Tobb Group
The demand for modern living luxury apartments reflects a shift in our lifestyles — people want a place where they can work and play in one convenient and comfortable setting.
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Integrated Pest Management: A Comprehensive Approach to Effective Pest Control
Learn about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and its holistic approach to pest control, offering sustainable solutions for homeowners
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New Kitchen Look
With the advent of 3D design technology it has become far easier for kitchen designers and architects to effectively communicate ideas with their clients…or has it?
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Dishwashers: Why they trump hand washing every time
The debate between using a dishwasher, or relying on old school hand-washing techniques, deals with concerns like energy-efficiency, time constraints, water-saving and the hygiene and cleanliness of kitchen items.
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