Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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Coating Materials
Coating materials are extremely varied, from paints and varnishes to vinyl plastic coatings. The advantages of coating materials include the following; Protection, insulation, safety (non slip coatings) and of course visual enhancement.
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In-line Chlorine dispenser
The unit dispenses mild calcium based chlorine that forms a sanitising solution which is non-corrosive, pH stable and environmentally safe.
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Wallpaper Cleaning
Test out a small patch of wallpaper with a tiny bit of dishwashing liquid and water to see if it is suitable for washing.
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Self-levelling cement screed floor
The beauty of a cement screed floor is the ability to be able to stain, paint, polish or etch to suit the style of a home.
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Cold Room Storage
Cold rooms are an innovative option for cold storage in the home. They can be described as large, walk-in refrigerators and can be used in domestic spaces and for larger-scale organisations like restaurants, hotels, supermarkets and long-term storage warehouses
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Glass Cleaning
Having a faint finger smudge or a collection of dirt on your glass counters and windows can cause a lot of worry, and even after all that there are still smudges from where you have wiped. The best start is a change of product in your bucket!
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Eco Cleaning: be green when you clean
Cleaning at home can not be avoided, but it can be done in a manner that is environmentally friendly. There is a wide array of alternative options for home cleaning that you can try out, without compromising on keeping your home hygienic and well kept.
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Best Home Fitness Equipment
One of the many problems that comes with having a busy schedule is finding time to work out. If you really don't have time to go to the gym then having a few small pieces of equipment at your house will let you work out at home and save you time.
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Ask For A Guarantee
If the contractor is not comfortable with the issuing of guarantees, we recommend that you find another Contractor.
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Eco Cleaning tips
Sometimes when we use those chemicals they actually do more bad than good. Using Eco friendly products for those simple and quick cleans will be your own little part towards helping the environment.
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The benefits of owning an automated home
Home automation is one of the newest and most advanced options for homeowners looking for increased control and customizability when it comes to their homes. Automated homes allow owners to manipulate aspects of their home from a distance with the use of, for example, a cell phone. Automated homes are advantageous in many areas, with remote monitoring, energy efficiency and convenience ranking at the top of a long list of benefits.
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Exploring Garden Irrigation Systems: A Comprehensive Guide
One of the main concerns for homeowners considering a garden irrigation system is the installation process.
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Organic Pest Control: Keep bugs out, the natural way
Before using chemicals to rid your garden of pests, consider using natural pest control, which is safer for your garden, yourself and your family.
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Handy Tips for Purchasing Building Materials
Discover expert advice for navigating the process of purchasing building materials and achieving your home improvement goals in South Africa.
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Internal doors
Time to decide on your internal doors and install them. This can be quite a hefty job but if done correctly can be done quickly and easily if done with the correct instructions. Choosing your new internal door is all based on your own personal design taste.
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So, if you’re considering installing a pool in Cape Town, don’t let cost be a deterrent.
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