The first major production of skylights began in the Industrial Revolution and, in the 21st century, they have only become more popular for adventurous homeowners who want to feel the outdoors inside their home space. Skylights have an obvious aesthetic appeal, but their use is not limited to this. Energy conservation and a movement away from reliance on environmentally-unfriendly sources
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Wooden Gates
Whether you're looking for a delicate garden doorway or a large driveway gate, wooden gates are an appealing option.
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Tarring Specialists
A driveway paved with asphalt can last as long as 15 years. Asphalt is durable, resilient and low-maintenance. The job can be done by yourself or you can hire specialists that can do the whole job for you. Either way asphalt driveways are a must a have if you are looking for a reliable driveway option.
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Securing Your Property: Walls vs. Fences in South Africa
Whether you choose a wall, a fence, or electric security options, the most important thing is to take proactive steps to protect your home and loved ones.
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Electrical Installation in a new building
Embedding of conduit pipes on walls and underfloor.
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Fire Door Regulations in South Africa: What Homeowners Need to Know
Understand South Africa's fire door regulations to ensure your home is safe and compliant. Learn about ratings, installation, and maintenance. Protect your family by investing in quality fire doors for your property.
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Expandable Security Gates
Expandable security gates are easy to use and safe for any household. For quick and effective slam lock system, you can feel safe in your house without the inconvenience of a large metal gate.
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Lighting Maintenance
Its time to have a look at your electricity and decide if you are doing it right, our home lights are what use most of our electricity every month. If you are able to utilise as little lights as possible in a room then you are succeeding in saving power through light maintenance.
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Stained Glass
Stained glass can be used for feature windows, shower screens, mirrors, splash backs, furniture inserts, glass coffee tables, lamp shades and mosaics.
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How to waterproof your bathroom
One of the most central design needs for a bathroom is adequate waterproofing. Without waterproofing for your bathroom, you run the risk of damaging bathroom furniture and shortening the lifespan of your bathroom overall.
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Hydronic Heating
Hydronic heating is one of the most popular home-heating solutions today. It functions by circulating warmed water through radiators, radiant tubing in one’s ceilings or floors, or through warming baseboards.
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Antenna Installation
If you are thinking of installing an antenna then you will need to follow procedures and maintenance strategies that can help you avoid risky and costly situations. If you choose the correct spot to do this then you should be able to get a crisp signal that will boost your entertainment experience.
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Grass Disease
Lawn diseases are a common and frustrating probability for even the most dedicated gardening-enthusiast. Knowing the types of lawn disease and their causes are an important step towards limiting your lawns vulnerability to diseases.
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Building Project managers and what to tell them
Its always a good idea to personally speak to your building project manager, this is because it is not an easy job to do 100% when there is not real scope of what you as the home owner are wanting to do, so here are a few tips to help yourself and him/her.
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Fabric Protection
Fabric protection is very important to do after cleaning. This can be done using multiple products that will work on different types of materials. The fabric could be from carpets and curtains to table clothes that may be a bit exposed to the elements.
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Printing on Canvas, Where do I start?
You can do your own sketch of sizes and ideas you have to see if it will work for your wall space
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Design a recreation room for the whole family
A recreation room in your home can be a wonderful source of escape and relaxation from the daily stresses of life. Recreation rooms also encourage family time and provide a good place for older children to socialize with their friends without taking over the whole house. Here are some ideas to get your recreation room planning and building off to a good start:
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