Garden Furniture
After all the work that gets put into landscaping and planting beautiful shrubbery and flowers, your garden can be thoroughly enjoyed and experienced by your choice of garden furniture!
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Fitting a Cabinet
Time to replace those cabinets in your kitchen? It doesn't have to be a hard job to do, with a few simple tips the job can go down without a hitch. If you have a problem with anything contact a professional in your area from our page.
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Afrisom Projects Pty Ltd
Home Owners need know what to be done when, how and why during or before commencing any building work from renovations, alterations, additions, refurbishment and structural changes. Drawing of old and or new plans submission and Mostenrolment with relevant regulatory bodies.
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Lounge Room Furniture
Choosing the new look for your living room can be a very difficult decision. There are many options but they are often expensive or do not suit the need for your family or friends. So to make your life a little easier here are a few comfortable furniture options available and there details.
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Reinventing your space
Before choosing a colour, look at your space and find a shade that works best with the other accents in the room.
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Financial Planning Services
Financial planning is there to for to start putting money aside for any unforeseen events in the future, this lets you have a little more security in your financial future. A plan should be set out for you and your family so that you can feel confident about taking on challenges in life.
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Tilers and Tiles
Your tiler should provide you with a written quotation; ask for references, past experience and ask if they have some photographs of past work.
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The ultimate bathroom renovation tips
Renovating a bathroom can be overwhelming but fun. Are you aware that Renovating your bathroom is one of the greatest ways to increase the resale value of your home? Before you call or look for contractors, you must decide how much you going to spend, which products to use, and determine if you're going to change the layout.
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Best Televisions and Screens
Your baby will probably spend more time in the nursery than anywhere else, so that room needs to be safe. Choosing your baby room furniture is one of the most important first steps you will need to take when designing your child's room.
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10 things to avoid during a thunderstorm
As the rain season approaches in South Africa, thunderstorms become more prevalent and your personal safety is compromised when not managed cautiously
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Awnings instalment
All blinds are hand-woven to the customer’s requirements, we don’t make any standard sizes we weave it to the customer’s measurements
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How to Identify Defects in Old Buildings
Moreover, inadequate draining and cracking concrete are also evident. Cement, bricks, concrete, wood, etc. are the most common raw materials of Indian houses. Older houses have older bricks and mortars exposed to temperature fluctuations and moisture years after years.
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Get roof repairs done in Cape Town before winter arrives!
It’s well worth your while to chat to the friendly team of roofing specialists at Empire Roofing if you suspect there may be trouble up above! You could save yourself a lot of time and money by getting to the root of any roofing issues before they become major problems!
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3D design: the latest in design technology
3D design is one of the latest innovations in design technology. It can be described as a process of mathematically representing any surface or object in three-dimensional visualization software.
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Dry Walling
A Drywall is used to construct walls and ceilings and has become a popular material now used in most homes. Drywall is also known as wallboard, plasterboard or gypsum board and takes the form of panels of gypsum plaster pressed between thick sheets of fiberglass matting or heavyweight paper that are called facers and backers. Additives that prevent mildew, condensation or flammability can be induced in the gypsum plaster layer.
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Building Project Managers
Generally, you will need to speak with a building project manager if you plan to build, extend or renovate your property. Project managers can be architects, interior designers, surveyors, engineers, or project consultants, amongst others. Essentially, the job of a building project manager is to give advice or to undertake tasks that are in relation to the building industry.
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