Sliding Doors
Having a sliding door can introduce lots of light and air into your chosen living space, this can be a very important job as you want the door that will best suit your needs and gives your house the look you want. selecting the ideal materials and understanding how they may affect the door’s performance are important first steps.
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Once water passes the roofing it flows along the sheathing, roof rafters or topside of ceilings until it finds a place to drip down inevitably onto your favourite furniture
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Epoxy Flooring vs. Traditional Flooring: Which is Best?
Confused between epoxy and traditional flooring? Find the perfect fit for your home
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Joiners & Joinery
When it comes to putting together a table, or a step tool using mechanical tool is easy, but to add that look of first-class work, with smooth, metal free visible areas, nothing will do the job like a direct joint between parts, bonded with glue.
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Factors to consider when purchasing a house
When considering purchasing a property always research on what expansion is allowable by the town planning regulations.
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Bad Feng Shui factors to avoid in home design
According to practitioners of Feng Shui, bad Feng Shui design implements in the home can have a detrimental effect on the homeowner’s general life and well-being. Bad Feng Shui causes a sense of disharmony in the home, can increase stress and conflict and can negatively impact one’s overall health by blocking and distorting positive energy.
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Wall Painting
Wall painting can prove to be costly especially when one want to apply durable quality paint. A recent project proved others wise. If you looking for a velvet smooth like finish
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Organic and Natural Pest Control
If you are uneasy with the thought of using toxic and harmful pesticides in the vicinity of your home and happen to have a soft spot for the pests amongst your belongings, there are a few organic and natural remedies that should have them gone in no time!
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Lighting Maintenance
Its time to have a look at your electricity and decide if you are doing it right, our home lights are what use most of our electricity every month. If you are able to utilise as little lights as possible in a room then you are succeeding in saving power through light maintenance.
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7 Things to consider before starting your renovation!
7. Security Your home will be open 8-10 hours of the day, with gates opening and closing. The opportunistic criminal can see this as an invitation to gain access. Inform your contractor if, and when you are expecting deliveries and when your gardener will be there and when not. Most contractors and their staff will guard your house, as if it is their own, so you don’t have to be concerned.
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Internal doors
Time to decide on your internal doors and install them. This can be quite a hefty job but if done correctly can be done quickly and easily if done with the correct instructions. Choosing your new internal door is all based on your own personal design taste.
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Maximizing Solar Energy Efficiency: Tips for Optimizing Your Solar Power System
Learn how to optimise your solar power system for peak performance and energy savings with expert tips tailored for homeowners in South Africa.
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Swimming Pool Materials and Supplies
Make sure you have the correct Material and supplies for your pool, this will give you the best and most enjoyable experience in your home swimming pool. Daily and weekly work on the pool is all that is needed for this to be achieved.
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Stair casing
Everyone can follow some tips so that their staircase is cleaner and safer for their family. Stairs are sometimes the most often walked area in the house, dust and dirt can build up very easily and cause major problems in your home.
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Finding the right roof repair companies
Empire Roofing will replace aluminium guttering, handle the replacement of roof sheets, or, if necessary, refurbish problem areas on your roof, eaves and fascia boards.
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