Vinyl and Laminate Floors: which one works for you?
Vinyl flooring and laminate flooring are two totally different flooring options that can be easily confused.
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Top tips for carpet cleaning
Carpet flooring can lend a sense of comfort and warmth to a home that hardwood, tile or cement floors often do not achieve. However, keeping one’s carpets clean and stain free can be a challenge as there is no single method for removing different types of stains. Follow this guide to boost your carpet-cleaning skills and know what to do with particular types of spills or marks on your carpet flooring:
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Feng Shui
Despite the scoffs and laughs of skeptics, Feng Shui has become well known in making a definite difference to the way your home flows and the energy that surrounds you.
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Top tips for cleaning glass surfaces in the home
Cleaning the glass surfaces in your home, such as windows or mirrors, should be done with specific methods in mind to ensure you achieve a spotless, clear, and highly reflective surface. Follow these simple tips to ensure you give your glass the most thorough clean possible:
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French Doors
French doors have been installed by home owners around the world, and add a distinct element of class and style. Installing French Doors in your home is a sure way to make a statement that begins from the moment you walk through them!
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Deck mould and mildew: how to keep your deck fungus free
Deck mould is not only an aesthetic problem, it is also a sign of decomposition in your deck and can cause the wooden panels to weaken over time and possibly cave in, which poses a threat to family members using the deck.
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Plunge Pools
Plunge pools can be very versatile as they are so small. With the help of an expert you can apply the idea of the type of plunge pool you would like. They are easy to suit people of all ages if necessary and can be very safe when designed properly.
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Printing on Canvas, Where do I start?
You can do your own sketch of sizes and ideas you have to see if it will work for your wall space
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In these modern days, aluminium windows can now be fitted with shutters, burglar bars and security screens to enhance security of occupants and their possessions, whilst maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the property.
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Dishwasher Installation
If it is a new installation then you are likely to require the services of a plumber and possibly even an electrician to provide a power point and/or plumbing. However some houses, especially newer ones come with the required plumbing and electrical points. Always have a good look around before deciding how to move forward!
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Stair casing
Everyone can follow some tips so that their staircase is cleaner and safer for their family. Stairs are sometimes the most often walked area in the house, dust and dirt can build up very easily and cause major problems in your home.
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A driveway is not only something installed to create an easy entrance to your home, it is the first thing that quests see as they drive through your gates.
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The Role of a project manager
The project manager will be responsible for general liason between the field and the architect and owne
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Design a recreation room for the whole family
A recreation room in your home can be a wonderful source of escape and relaxation from the daily stresses of life. Recreation rooms also encourage family time and provide a good place for older children to socialize with their friends without taking over the whole house. Here are some ideas to get your recreation room planning and building off to a good start:
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Asbestos Removals
If you suspect that asbestos-containing materials have been used in your home, the best course of action to take is to enlist the help of a licensed asbestos inspector. This will let you know for sure if there is a proper need to get it removed.
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Building Project managers and what to tell them
Its always a good idea to personally speak to your building project manager, this is because it is not an easy job to do 100% when there is not real scope of what you as the home owner are wanting to do, so here are a few tips to help yourself and him/her.
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