How to prevent your deck from splintering
Besides being unsightly, a splintering deck can pose a real threat to children or pets whose feet (or paws) can suffer real damage and pain from sharp, wooden shards.
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Five garden tools every gardener should own
Some say a gardener is only as good as his/her tools. Here is our list of top five garden tools that no dedicated gardener should be seen without:
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Shedding Light on Security
Discover how to enhance home security with various lighting options.
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Marble Tiles
Marble tiles are unique in that each one has a slightly different colour and swirling pattern, so it's no surprise that they make for one of the most exciting and beautiful flooring options available.
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Ceiling Fans
One investment to consider is the ceiling fan. A ceiling fan will ensure that you are calm, cool and collected throughout the warmer seasons
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Differences between wet and dry carpet cleaning
The Duo Applicator features twin contra-rotating brushes which open up the carpet pile and work the duo-P carpet cleaning powder deep and evenly into the pile and around every fibre.
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French Doors
French doors have been installed by home owners around the world, and add a distinct element of class and style. Installing French Doors in your home is a sure way to make a statement that begins from the moment you walk through them!
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Tips for fumigating your home safely
Sometimes the only way to permanently remove pest infestations, such as termites or ants, is through home fumigation.
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Thatching: types of thatching and thatching safety
If you want your home to exude a romantic and old-world feel, a thatched roof can be the perfect asset to achieving this look. Thatch roofing can be used for the main home, outdoor patios, open storage sheds or shady poolside overhangs.
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Choosing the perfect trees to bring your garden to life
Trees are the centrepiece of the garden and can give shade, support ecosystems, provide a perfect place for children to play, or serve as a picnic site.
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Carpet flooring Materials and Supplies
Installing new carpet not only bring out the beauty of a room but provides insulation, and a comfortable surface to walk on. Choosing a carpet and installing it can be an annoyance, with the right tools and supplies you will be able to fit in your ideal carpet in your room.
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Generators: providing peace of mind for your power-source
A home generator can mean the difference between enduring a total blackout during power cuts, and having a second option when electricity is no longer available.
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Security Maintenance and repairs
People often forget that there is Maintenance to be done on there alarm systems, this is why if you have a an alarm system you should know to test your system monthly to ensure connectivity and to make sure everything is working the way it should.
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Glass Pool Fencing
Glass is one of the best types of pool fences for your home, it can be very pricey but in the long run it can bring a very nice aesthetic to your garden and is a very safe option if you have kids. One of the mos important things when having these fences is keeping them clean.
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Vinyl Floor Cleaning
Having Vinyl Floors can be a really nice touch in your home, it is durable and stylish. One of the most important things about having Vinyl as your floor is to remember to always keep it maintained and clean, this will let your floor live longer and keep that aesthetic look.
Read more5 Questions To Ask Your Waterproofing Contractor
Waterproofing can be a very costly but worthwhile investment if done by professional waterproofing contractor companies.
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Design a recreation room for the whole family
A recreation room in your home can be a wonderful source of escape and relaxation from the daily stresses of life. Recreation rooms also encourage family time and provide a good place for older children to socialize with their friends without taking over the whole house. Here are some ideas to get your recreation room planning and building off to a good start:
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