Warranty Inspection
A home warranty check, often referred to as a home inspection, is typically conducted to assess the condition of a property before it is sold.
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Garden irrigation systems: drip or spray irrigation systems?
Keeping your garden’s water supplies at a reliable and constant level is vital to maintaining its health and natural greenness. Some of the most popular garden irrigation systems include drip irrigation and spray systems, with each containing advantages and disadvantages that make some systems better suited than others.
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Glass cutting
If you ever need to cut glass for some DIY work at home, follow these simple steps. These are 2 simple methods to cutting glass if you do not have a glass cutter. These 2 methods involve a few tools and need to be done very carefully for complete success
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Bamboo Blinds
Bamboo blinds can add a nice natural touch to your house. They are reasonably pricey but are easy to maintain and put up. With a few simple tools you can have your bamboo blinds set up in your house to give your room the natural flow of light through them.
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3 things you should know about roof inspection process
Getting our roof inspected frequently will improve the longevity of the building. It will also save you considerable expenses that you would have otherwise spent on repairs when your roof gets damaged
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Plastering Materials and Supplies
If you’re new to plastering, it can be quite a scary concept to begin with! If you have the right tools and an idea of how to use them and you know what your the end result should be you should have no reason to worry. so here are a few tips in case you feel like you don't know enough.
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Bathroom Plumbers
Every bathroom needs to be taken care of properly so that everyone in your house is safe from getting sick. If your bathroom is cleaned properly and regularly there should be no problems.
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Maximising Home Security with the Right Security Beams
Learn about different security beams and fortify your home against intruders.
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Pet-Friendly Carpet and Fabric Protection Strategies
When it comes to creating a comfortable and inviting living space, pet owners often face a unique challenge: keeping their furry friends happy without sacrificing the beauty and cleanliness of their home
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Differences between wet and dry carpet cleaning
The Duo Applicator features twin contra-rotating brushes which open up the carpet pile and work the duo-P carpet cleaning powder deep and evenly into the pile and around every fibre.
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How to Identify Defects in Old Buildings
Moreover, inadequate draining and cracking concrete are also evident. Cement, bricks, concrete, wood, etc. are the most common raw materials of Indian houses. Older houses have older bricks and mortars exposed to temperature fluctuations and moisture years after years.
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Swimming Pool Materials and Supplies
Make sure you have the correct Material and supplies for your pool, this will give you the best and most enjoyable experience in your home swimming pool. Daily and weekly work on the pool is all that is needed for this to be achieved.
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Easy construction tips for you
Domestic roof Construction is the framing and roof covering which is found on most suburban detached houses in cold and temperature climates
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Drywall is one of the Toughest trades to master.
Always sand the entire wall to flatten out all imperfections.
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Carpet flooring Materials and Supplies
Installing new carpet not only bring out the beauty of a room but provides insulation, and a comfortable surface to walk on. Choosing a carpet and installing it can be an annoyance, with the right tools and supplies you will be able to fit in your ideal carpet in your room.
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Designing and maintaining your ceilings
There are a wide variety of options to choose from when it comes to selecting the perfect ceiling for your home. Ceilings are an often overlooked part of design.
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The pros and cons of sandstone paving
Sandstone is one of the most popular paving materials and makes for a natural and light coloured paving style that has a distinctive appearance which some choose for its similarity to beach sand tones.
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