The Role of a Domestic Worker vs a Cleaning Contractor .
Discover whether hiring a domestic worker or opting for a cleaning contractor is the best choice for maintaining your South African home.
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7 ways to cut down on building costs without sacrificing quality.
Buy materials direct from the brick manufacturer, you save 10% on the cost from other suppliers, it’s not easy to find one that will sell bricks to you direct but they do exist.
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Dry Walling
A Drywall is used to construct walls and ceilings and has become a popular material now used in most homes. Drywall is also known as wallboard, plasterboard or gypsum board and takes the form of panels of gypsum plaster pressed between thick sheets of fiberglass matting or heavyweight paper that are called facers and backers. Additives that prevent mildew, condensation or flammability can be induced in the gypsum plaster layer.
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Electric Vs Gas Stove
One of the big decisions of your new home is whether you are going to use a gas or electric stove and oven. Here are a few pros and cons to having either of these in your house and then the decision is up to you.
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Concrete Kerb Builder
Concrete kerbs are always a great way to provide a lovely stylish border in your landscape, helping to define garden beds as well as keeping different elements of the garden separate!
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Creative ideas for your garden art
Garden art can give your home’s outdoor area a personal touch and sense of character that speaks to your tastes, and that complements the design-aesthetic of your main home. However, it is important to choose garden art decisively and with a purpose in mind, rather than simply collecting pieces that clutter your garden and look more like junk than tasteful decor.
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Cordless Blinds
Nowadays, homeowners have more options than ever before when it comes to window treatments. People are now able to have many different types of blinds, this includes multiple lift systems, Each is unique and provides end users with vastly different functionality. One of the most popular today are cordless blinds.
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Electronic and Biometric Locks
Electric locks come as independent devices with built-in panels on the lock itself or can be connected to a central control system to which only the homeowners have access.
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Safety tips for handling paint
Painting your home, or even giving one room a colourful makeover, can be a fun and creative activity the whole family can join in on.
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Crime Scene Cleaners
Having a crime happen in your home is a traumatic and life changing event. Whilst members affected by the crime deal with the psychological and physical consequences of a crime, it is the job of crime scene cleaners to ensure that they come home to a clean, safe and sanitized home. A crime scene cleaner is somebody who is considered a “second responder” to a crime. Once an investigative team has gathered all the information they require, a crime scene clean up team is allowed onto the scene of the crime to clean the area
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Tarring Specialists
A driveway paved with asphalt can last as long as 15 years. Asphalt is durable, resilient and low-maintenance. The job can be done by yourself or you can hire specialists that can do the whole job for you. Either way asphalt driveways are a must a have if you are looking for a reliable driveway option.
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Bookshelves and Cabinets
Determining the best location for bookshelves and shelving in your home depends on several factors, including the available space, the layout of your home, and your personal preferences.
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Finally, when settling on a purchase for a heater, always check the energy consumption rates of the machine if you want to save on electricity bills. The right electric heater can be very energy efficient, especially if it is controlled by thermostats that limit wasteful use.
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Creative ideas for making a children’s playroom
A playroom for your children can be one of the best ways to stimulate their creativity and development, with the added advantage of having one area of the home where messes, spills, and messy fun are perfectly acceptable!
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Choosing the perfect trees to bring your garden to life
Trees are the centrepiece of the garden and can give shade, support ecosystems, provide a perfect place for children to play, or serve as a picnic site.
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The Choice between a Qualified Professional owned company VS UnQualified Owned Contractor
We have experience with many projects and are not chance takers.
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Top tips for balcony safety
Balconies are one of the best ways to maximize your living space at home and can be the perfect way to allow access to fresh air and sunlight on stories above the ground floor or to give apartment flats an outdoor dimension.
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