Common Automatic sprinkler problems
Having an automatic sprinkler in your garden can be a very convenient way to keep up with watering the plants without having to plan it in the schedule of your everyday life. But they do not come without their own problems.
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Cleaning a Patio Screen
While cleaning, take the opportunity to inspect the screen for any tears, holes, or damage. Repair or replace any damaged areas to ensure the door continues to function effectively.
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Carpet Tile Maintenance
The best first tip top give is that areas where there is a lot of traffic should be vacuumed every second day, Perimeter and edges should be addressed weekly.
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Tips for creating your home library
If you’re a lover of books and have a passion for all things literary, why not set aside a corner for a library in the comfort of your home. Follow this checklist to make sure you’re library is complete with all the necessary basics.
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How to design a more Eco-Friendly Home
For any building to receive a certificate of occupancy, every professional involved - from the designer to the builder - needs to comply with SANS standard 10400-XA building standards
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Clothes Dryers
These machines make life just that little bit easier, they can make life a little bit more pricey but if used efficiently is the perfect way to have a fresh set of clothes ready the next day. The latest sensor technology on many models reduces drying times for greater energy efficient and time saving.
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Garden tools
Thinning new plants is an important part of gardening. If you want to get the best result you will need something that can cut the plants at soil level and and something that is thin to get between the small plants. This is why choosing the correct tools is important.
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Safety tips for handling paint
Painting your home, or even giving one room a colourful makeover, can be a fun and creative activity the whole family can join in on.
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Fireplaces can create a home that is grand, a home that is modern or a home that is minimal. Whatever you choose, HomeImprovement4U can help you make that choice come alive.
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3D design: the latest in design technology
3D design is one of the latest innovations in design technology. It can be described as a process of mathematically representing any surface or object in three-dimensional visualization software.
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Palisades and Security Fencing
Having security in your home is always very important when you move into your first property. Palisade fencing although quite expensive is a very safe and reliable options. Although it is recommended to get it installed it can be done with some hard work alone.
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Home Theatre Systems
Technology is moving forward fast and sometimes its hard to keep up, but for any family a home theatre system is a must do for family bonding time and even for some romantic nights with your significant other. You can stream your favourite movie without the hassle of waiting in line for tickets or having to sit in a crowded theater
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Window Cleaning and Repairs
Most window cleaning companies clean interior and exteriors windows, including fly screens, skylights, stained glass, window sills, removal of scratches, remove cobwebs, clean and repair flyscreen’s, clean gutters, and pressure washing.
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Vinyl Floor Cleaning
Having Vinyl Floors can be a really nice touch in your home, it is durable and stylish. One of the most important things about having Vinyl as your floor is to remember to always keep it maintained and clean, this will let your floor live longer and keep that aesthetic look.
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Why get a steam room
We all know the usual use for having a steam room, to lose that little bit of excess fat. But there are many more benefits that you may not know about that will give you a lot more reason to invest in your own steam room in your house.
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