How to choose the perfect showerhead
One of the best ways to start your day is with a powerful, hot shower. That’s why taking the time to purchase the perfect shower head is well worth the effort.
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Wooden Fence Cleaning
Wooden fences need to be cleaned from stains once in a while. When these become apparent it is best to take care of them earlier rather than later and that you make sure you use the correct cleaning supplies for the issue.
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Electrical Fences
Most houses these days have electrical fencing and are very easy to maintain if you know what you are doing. If properly kept and any faults that may occur are fixed quickly and properly you will have a firm strong barrier against any danger entering your house.
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Heating Systems
The winter time means that the cold is coming in, you are going to want make sure that you keep you and your family warm. Sometimes a fireplace doesn't fit the set of the house. There is no need to worry because there are multiple different types of heating, for your home.
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Solar Heating Panels
We have used the sun (solar energy) to our advantage for thousands of years for growing food, heating food or water, making fire, electricity and alternative energy. Man cannot live without the sun and on a chilly day, we will hunt for a spot within the sun.
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Wire Balustrades
Having wire balustrades is a great look for anyone's home, the next step is making sure you keep the look you have wanted through all the seasons. Here are a few tips to making sure your doing the best maintenance for your home.
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10 Steps to Growing Trees
Trees need room to grow their branches above the ground and their roots below the ground. Avoid planting too close to overhead telephone or power lines, or too close to buildings. Most medium sized trees should be located at least 2 meters from any wall. Check whether your tree has an aggressive root system and needs to be further than 2 meters from any wall or building. Some trees have large surface roots and will lift paving.
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How to choose linen for family members with sensitive skin
One of the biggest benefits of cotton for sensitive skin is that it allows air-flow between the fabric and the skin, while still keeping the body warm. This prevents sweating, heat build-up or itchiness and irritation.
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3 things you should know about roof inspection process
Getting our roof inspected frequently will improve the longevity of the building. It will also save you considerable expenses that you would have otherwise spent on repairs when your roof gets damaged
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IC Paving and Walling
When deciding on what material to use for your driveway or other high traffic areas, there are many options and factors to consider. Brick paving, asphalt and concrete are just some of the popular choices in South Africa – but which one is right for you?
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Essential Pool Equipment
With the right equipment, you can ensure that your pool remains safe, clean, and comfortable for your family and friends.
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How to by build your deck the eco-friendly way
If you are considering building a deck to add to your outdoor living experience, why not do it the green way. There are many tips and trick to ensure you build your deck with minimum environmental impact, here are just a few to get you started:
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Gutter Instalation
Gutters don't look very impressive, but they're about as important as the roof over your head. Installing these properly is the only way for them to be completely beneficial to your house. Diverting the water can be used to help the environment by collecting it from the gutters
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Shades Cleaning
Cleaning blinds is the one thing that many people put off but only takes about 30 minutes a month to get of your conscious. Shades come in many different types and each has its own way of cleaning and these can usually be made out of delicate fabrics, like silk, should be professionally cleaned, everything else you can clean on your own .
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If you are like most parents across the country, you probably are familiar with the idea of dragging your children (kicking and screaming) away from their beloved television screens.
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Laundry day tips to ease your washing machine troubles
When it comes to doing your laundry at home, a faulty washing machine is the last thing you want. Here are some warning signs that indicate your washing machine is experiencing problems, as well as some tips on how to alleviate these glitches.
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