Bamboo Blinds
Bamboo blinds can add a nice natural touch to your house. They are reasonably pricey but are easy to maintain and put up. With a few simple tools you can have your bamboo blinds set up in your house to give your room the natural flow of light through them.
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Lighting Maintenance
Its time to have a look at your electricity and decide if you are doing it right, our home lights are what use most of our electricity every month. If you are able to utilise as little lights as possible in a room then you are succeeding in saving power through light maintenance.
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Garden tools
Thinning new plants is an important part of gardening. If you want to get the best result you will need something that can cut the plants at soil level and and something that is thin to get between the small plants. This is why choosing the correct tools is important.
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How to Identify Defects in Old Buildings
Some of them might be right in front of your eyes while some are hidden problems.
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Tips on using your microwave safely
Microwaves are one of the most common kitchen appliances and can be found in most homes. Despite this, many homeowners are not always aware of safety precautions they should take when using their microwave, especially when these appliances are accessible to children. Here are some safety tips for family microwave use that you yourself can apply, and instruct family members to follow:
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Centurion Pool & Rock Design
Swimming Pools are not cheap – if a quote is well below the average: Be ware
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Emergency Light Load Shedding
Load shedding can get on everyone's nerves, so here are a few tips to save yourself time and effort before the load shedding begins again.
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The Benefit Of Building a Loft Room
If we’re true to ourselves we all would love more space within our homes wouldn’t you agree?
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The approximate starting price for a basic, small-sized swimming pool in South Africa is from R 50,000 to R100,000.
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Laundry day tips to ease your washing machine troubles
When it comes to doing your laundry at home, a faulty washing machine is the last thing you want. Here are some warning signs that indicate your washing machine is experiencing problems, as well as some tips on how to alleviate these glitches.
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Damp Repairs
Damp or dampness also called structural dampness, this is unwanted moisture in the structure of a building
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How to detect leaks in your home
Leaks in the home are a common occurrence that can be easily dealt with without great expense or having to call in professionals.
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Early Leak Detection Can Save You Thousands of Rands
If you suspect a problem, the best advice is to act sooner rather than later to help minimise the potential damage
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Automatic Gates
An automated gate can be opened via remote or from a control inside the home, making it an investment that leads to comfort and convenience. Automatic gates now come in a variety of styles and variations, each suited to specific homes. In order to invest in the most beneficial style of automated gate, you should definitely have at least a basic understanding of the different options available to you. Different gate styles are better suited to different
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Waterproofing is when you secure a structure or object and make it water resistant.
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Exploring the Feasibility of Installing a Tennis Court at Home
While installing a tennis court at home may require careful consideration and planning, the benefits it offers in terms of convenience, fitness, and entertainment make it a worthwhile investment for many homeowners
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Nursery tips
There are always a few things that we forget when we have our own nursery and kid, the simple things that sometimes in your moment of tiredness you may forget. So here is a little bit of help for those who just need a few extra cleaning tips
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