Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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Concrete Waterproofing
Depending upon the type of waterproofing application you use, the concrete will be out of action for a certain period of time. It’s very important that the manufacturer’s guidelines are followed.
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High Pressure Cleaners
High pressure cleaners can make your life at home just a little bit easier, it may be a wall that needs a clean or a stain on your veranda from the braai the night before, high pressure cleaners can make an easy job of most cleaning jobs.
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Pick the perfect patio doors for your home
Patio doors are a versatile housing implement that can come in sliding, French, bi-fold or swinging designs.
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The perfect garden plants for a wet and rainy climate
Every good gardener knows that trees, flowers and plants need to be chosen with the local climate in mind.
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Cushions and pillows
Cushions and pillows are among the most basic and effective aspects of décor in any room, whether it be a lounge, bedroom or dining room. Cushions and pillows are more than just decorative though, they have a functional role to play in that they lend comfort to furniture, or allow for a good night’s sleep.
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Awnings instalment
All blinds are hand-woven to the customer’s requirements, we don’t make any standard sizes we weave it to the customer’s measurements
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Your first building experience?
While you do want the best quality construction, you also want to ensure that every cent you spend is delivering value
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Common home security system problems to avoid
Alarm systems are a vital tool for protecting your family and home. However, correctly installing, maintaining and using these systems are not as straight-forward as most would assume. Ensure you are aware of these common errors in home alarm system use to make sure you get the most out of your alarm system’s security potential.
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A beginner's guide to contemporary interior design
Contemporary interior design has a long history of eras and trends, but remains an approach to design firmly rooted in personalised creative expression.
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Garden Pots and Plants
There is no question that plants in your garden are a pivotal way of expressing yourself and bringing an element of life into your home. Not all homeowners have the luxury of an entire garden to fill, but this shouldn’t be considered a downfall to your home.
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Tree Surgery
Tree surgeons or otherwise called a Aborist is a person who takes care and maintains tree's, this is often needed as people happen to have conflict with their garden trees all the time due to natural growth. It is a tree surgeons job to solve this by maintaining the beauty of the tree but solving the problem.
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Pool Heating
If you are a pool owner, you will understand the allure of having a pool that is warm and ready to use all year round. Thanks to pool heaters, the option of having a pool that is available through all seasons is something worth investing in! There are a few variations of pool heaters that each have their own unique benefit
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Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Home Theatre System
Explore the complete process of setting up a home theatre system, from optimizing room acoustics to choosing the best audio-visual equipment for your entertainment needs in South Africa.
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Why Tree Felling is Important?
Tree felling, often seen as a contentious issue due to its environmental implications, holds significant importance in various aspects of human life and ecosystem management.
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Benefits of Custom made Furniture
Some people do not use their sitting area as much as others, this would mean it would be normal to buy ready made furniture. For those who have specific needs and want for their comfort, a custom made piece of furniture is the answer.
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