Common Blind Installation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Transform your home with flawless blinds installation by avoiding common mistakes. From measuring windows correctly to choosing the right materials, this guide offers practical advice for homeowners in South Africa to ensure a successful project. Save time and money by following these expert tips!
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Air Conditioning and South Africa
The summer heat in South Africa can be unbearable at times, so a good air conditioner is essential.
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How to choose your fridge
When choosing your fridge its all about the balance between price and practicality, they come in a wide variety of styles and with a number of features to choose from, to make sure you make the right choice, you will need to look at all aspects possible.
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Garden Play Equipment
Many of you who are reading this will be looking to find a way to give your child a childhood that is filled with activity and outdoor play.
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The benefits of using artificial grass for your garden
Artificial grass has become a new option in home landscaping which, for many homeowners, provides a hassle-free and evergreen alternative to natural grass. Artificial grass is an increasingly popular option for homeowners for a variety of reasons.
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Roller Doors
Old Garage doors can cause more problems and safety hazards then most people think, so maybe it time to install a new door with a torsion spring and do-it-yourself tensioning. Installing a new, double garage door yourself will save you several hundred dollars and should take eight to 12 hours if you’re fairly handy.
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Top 5 Swimming Pool Trends for 2024:
Explore the top swimming pool trends for 2024, from eco-friendly natural pools to smart technology innovations. Transform your backyard with sustainable designs, minimalist aesthetics, and luxurious water features that enhance both beauty and functionality.
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Airconditioning - Controlling your Enviroment
We are fortunate enough, as South Africans, to live in a country with a beautiful climate that shows us all ranges of what the seasons bring.
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There are always two types of people; cat people and dog people, tea drinkers and coffee drinkers, bath people and shower people.
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Cleaning your Oven
Nobody wants to clean an oven. In an ideal world, our appliances would do nothing but cook us our roasts and warm up our coffee - unfortunately, idealism is nothing but an aspiration!
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Generators: providing peace of mind for your power-source
A home generator can mean the difference between enduring a total blackout during power cuts, and having a second option when electricity is no longer available.
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Garden irrigation systems: drip or spray irrigation systems?
Keeping your garden’s water supplies at a reliable and constant level is vital to maintaining its health and natural greenness. Some of the most popular garden irrigation systems include drip irrigation and spray systems, with each containing advantages and disadvantages that make some systems better suited than others.
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Heavenly shade for your home: a simple guide to shade sails
Shade sails are a subtle and effective way to shade areas of your home without the need to install permanent structures.
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Lighting Maintenance
Its time to have a look at your electricity and decide if you are doing it right, our home lights are what use most of our electricity every month. If you are able to utilise as little lights as possible in a room then you are succeeding in saving power through light maintenance.
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Fabric Protection
Fabric protection is very important to do after cleaning. This can be done using multiple products that will work on different types of materials. The fabric could be from carpets and curtains to table clothes that may be a bit exposed to the elements.
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How to keep your baby’s nursery pest and bug free
A baby’s room should be the safest room in the house considering your precious newborn will be spending most of his/her time there during the initial stages of their life. As a parent, keeping your baby’s room free of any insects or pests that could bother or potentially harm your child is a must. Here are some guidelines to ensure your baby is not bothered by household creepy-crawlers.
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Internal doors
Time to decide on your internal doors and install them. This can be quite a hefty job but if done correctly can be done quickly and easily if done with the correct instructions. Choosing your new internal door is all based on your own personal design taste.
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