Casement windows
Casement windows are easy to use and can add lots of natural light into a room. They can get pricey but are a very aesthetic and convenient for a new modern look in your household.
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Ask for a guarantee
Reliable and Honest-To find the right contractor to work at your property can be tough. One of the most Important things to look at is finding a company with a good track record. One that is reliable and honest and happy to give you recommendations from previous clients.
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Fire damage how to go forward
If your home has suffered fire damage, knowing the correct steps to take both immediately and a few days after the fire can save you a lot of stress and expense. Here are some easy tips on what to do immediately after a fire has occurred on your property in order to minimise the damage and make the restoring process easier and more effective:
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The benefits of using artificial grass for your garden
Artificial grass has become a new option in home landscaping which, for many homeowners, provides a hassle-free and evergreen alternative to natural grass. Artificial grass is an increasingly popular option for homeowners for a variety of reasons.
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Master Key Systems: a convenient security solution
When it comes to convenient security, not much beats having a master key. Master key systems allow for homeowners, who have authorised access, to lock and unlock different doors around the house with just one key; the master key.
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IC Paving and Walling
When deciding on what material to use for your driveway or other high traffic areas, there are many options and factors to consider. Brick paving, asphalt and concrete are just some of the popular choices in South Africa – but which one is right for you?
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Install proper barriers, covers, and alarms on and around your pool and spa
If Pet Safety is your main concern, then the Leaf Net or PVC Cover would be your best option. Both are strong enough to keep your pets out of the water and safe. For lightweight pets, the best option will be the Leaf Net, and for heavier pets, it would be the PVC Cover.
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Artificial Grass
Installing artificial grass requires careful planning and execution to ensure a durable and aesthetically pleasing result
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Gas heaters: safety tips every homeowner should know
Gas heaters are one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to fight the cold during chilly seasons. However, they do come with the risk of fire, gas explosions, or gas poisoning, if they are used incorrectly. Here are some tops tips to help you get the most out of your gas heater, whilst keeping your family and home safe:
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How to identify a good painter.
As for roof painting and waterproofing a good painter must clean it thoroughly before painting or waterproofing it.
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Painting Your Home
Many people assume that professional painters just slap some paint on a brush and get to work, but that just isn’t true.
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Demolition Tips
Whether you do Demolition for Residential or Commercial.It is a good and wise idea to employ a contractor who can do the work for you.
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Wire Balustrade
Installing a wire balustrade can be one of the best things that you do for you house, it comes with many benefits that will be mentioned in this article. Although it may be a bit pricey to install they are relatively easy to maintain as well.
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Shedding Light on Security
Discover how to enhance home security with various lighting options.
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Self-levelling cement screed floor
The beauty of a cement screed floor is the ability to be able to stain, paint, polish or etch to suit the style of a home.
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DIY Cement Screed Flooring: Step-by-Step Guide and Common Mistakes to Avoid
Achieve stunning results with DIY cement screed flooring. Avoid common mistakes and elevate your home's aesthetics.
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