How to design a more Eco-Friendly Home
For any building to receive a certificate of occupancy, every professional involved - from the designer to the builder - needs to comply with SANS standard 10400-XA building standards
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3D design: the latest in design technology
3D design is one of the latest innovations in design technology. It can be described as a process of mathematically representing any surface or object in three-dimensional visualization software.
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Garden Statues and Art
It is true that the garden is the most important place of the house, you can always go and relax in the sun on a hot summers day or you could be having a cup of coffee on a cold winter morning. This means that it is very important to make your garden as relaxing and serene as possible.
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Enerst Contractors
To existing and new home owner you must always be aware what type of pipes are in your homes.
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Spa Cleaning
It does not always have to be such a task to clean your pool, jacuzzi or any other spa location you may have around your house. Sometimes using simple household products can do the trick. This is a cost effective and easy solution to a everyday household issue.
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Bathroom Ventilation
A shower ventilation system can be very efficient if it is placed in the correct position so that all steam can be sucked in, if this is not done correctly and. build up takes place in your bathroom there is more chance of a a build up of mould or mildew.
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Insulation Installation
Insulation is the way in which you trap heat in your home without the use of energy or electricity, but rather by making use of various materials installed in your walls or roof. Insulation materials come in an extremely wide variety, and each material holds its own benefits and functions. Homeowners need to be able to understand the different materials available to them and which one would be most ben
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Tile Suppliers
Choosing the correct tiles for your home is an important and vital task. Choosing the right tiles will ensure aesthetic benefits as well as durability.
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How to choose the perfect pool table for you
A good quality pool table is an expensive investment that should be made wisely. Make sure you ask the right questions and know what to look for when choosing a pool table for your family or recreation room.
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Bedroom furniture: Choosing a bedframe for a good night’s sleep
Having a comfortable bed is a must if you want a good night’s sleep and an energy-filled day. That’s why putting in extra effort when choosing the perfect bed frame for your mattress and linen is well worth it.
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Security Guards
Security guards function as a deterrent to trespassers, burglars, and vandals when you have the right people and use them effectively. They can be placed on the top of your street, by the gate of your home or work building or even in the property.
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Choosing the right kitchen splashback involves considering various factors such as aesthetics, functionality, maintenance, and budget.
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Common causes of household odours and how to remedy them
Sewerage smell, damp odours and drain stenches. Few household problems are more unpleasant, and make your home less comfortable, than bad smells. Read this list to find out the most common causes of household odours, and how to fix them:
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Bathroom Plumbers
Every bathroom needs to be taken care of properly so that everyone in your house is safe from getting sick. If your bathroom is cleaned properly and regularly there should be no problems.
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Keep your wallpaper clean with these easy tips
Maintaining your wallpaper is vital to ensure that it lasts longer, keeps its colour and texture, and looks professional. By following these easy cleaning tips, you can make sure that you avoid damaging the wallpaper in your home through faulty cleaning techniques and can keep it looking brand-new.
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Choosing the perfect trees to bring your garden to life
Trees are the centrepiece of the garden and can give shade, support ecosystems, provide a perfect place for children to play, or serve as a picnic site.
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