Steam Room Cleaning
Having a steam room can be one of the best things you get in your home, it is great to sit in after a hard workout and can be very healthy. One thing you must remember is that it can also be home to many germs and bacteria in your home, this is why a thorough clean is always needed.
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How to paint a wall like a pro
One of the quickest and easiest ways to spruce up your home and give it a new look is to apply a fresh interior coat of paint. Make sure you follow these easy steps to ensure your painting skills are professional and leave you with a smooth and even finish:
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Fireplaces: creating a sense of home around the hearth
Fireplaces can give an ordinary living space a sense of home and warmth. They naturally draw people together and create a central hub for the home, which is why putting a special effort into choosing what type of fireplace is right for your home is well worth the effort.
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Double glazed windows: upgrading your standard windows
Modern construction has introduced advanced technology to some of the most basic home-elements, such as windows.
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A simple guide to raft foundations
Raft foundations are also known as Mat foundations and are large slabs of concrete that are used to support both walls and columns.
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How to termite-proof your home
They may be small, but termites can wreak real damage to your home if you don't take preventative measures to stop them.
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CCTV Cameras
Closed-circuit television cameras, otherwise known as CCTV cameras, are a security solution that functions like a TV, but that produces footage which is monitored by a private user rather than for purposes of public distribution.
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Deck Maintenance: mastering the basics
Maintaining one’s deck is an important task that must be done regularly and thoroughly if one wishes to keep their deck a long-term investment. Depending on the type of deck, a different basic maintenance routine must be followed.
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Enerst Contractors
To existing and new home owner you must always be aware what type of pipes are in your homes.
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However, as tedious as the chore of cleaning windows can be, making an effort to keep them sparkling is important and beneficial for you and your family. Consider the following reasons why window cleaning will make your life better.
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Stair casing
Everyone can follow some tips so that their staircase is cleaner and safer for their family. Stairs are sometimes the most often walked area in the house, dust and dirt can build up very easily and cause major problems in your home.
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Preparing for Wallpaper
Its time for a change in your room, if painting the wall just wont cut it then maybe it time to look for some wallpaper in your room. This can be really easy job but this all depends on the state of you wall before you lay down the wallpaper, here are a few tips for preparing your wall.
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Self-levelling cement screed floor
The beauty of a cement screed floor is the ability to be able to stain, paint, polish or etch to suit the style of a home.
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Exploring the Feasibility of Installing a Tennis Court at Home
While installing a tennis court at home may require careful consideration and planning, the benefits it offers in terms of convenience, fitness, and entertainment make it a worthwhile investment for many homeowners
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Window Cleaning and Repairs
Most window cleaning companies clean interior and exteriors windows, including fly screens, skylights, stained glass, window sills, removal of scratches, remove cobwebs, clean and repair flyscreen’s, clean gutters, and pressure washing.
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Home Automation
Home Automation sounds, to the inexperienced ear, like one of the most overwhelming and terrifying concepts in the world. What we don’t think about, however, that we have been living in automated homes for a vast majority of our lives.
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How to keep your cables neat and untangled
A nest of messy, tangled cables behind one’s TV or sound equipment, or even next to one’s bed, can be an impractical and unsightly problem leading to impossible knots and even damage to one’s electronics. Here are some tips to get your cables organised, neat and easy to manage:
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