Apex Waterproofing
The fight against the elements has been a constant battle for homeowners since the dawn of civilization. The history of waterproofing stretches as far back as 13,000 years and is considered the third oldest trade (behind masonry and carpentry).
Read moreModern living luxury homes 101 with Tobb Group
The demand for modern living luxury apartments reflects a shift in our lifestyles — people want a place where they can work and play in one convenient and comfortable setting.
Read moreExpandable Security Gates
Expandable security gates are easy to use and safe for any household. For quick and effective slam lock system, you can feel safe in your house without the inconvenience of a large metal gate.
Read moreSecurity Screens & Doors
Security, especially in South Africa is a major concern in the home. There are a wide variety of security options available including; doors, screens, burglar bars and expandable security gates. A secure home can still blend in with the architecture and design of your home. This means that your hard work in building and having a beautiful home and lovely aesthetics need not be compromised by a security system and physical security mechanisms around the home!
Read moreCommon Home Renovation Mistakes
Taking on a whole home renovation project is a smart move to make. For one thing, renovation is a much more cost effective option to building from the ground up.
Read moreCommon Alarm Problems
Making sure that we use our alarm systems is something that we need to be reminded about, it always the small things that we forget to do when we become too relaxed with your system. These tips will give you some extra help for later.
Read moreLighting Maintenance
Its time to have a look at your electricity and decide if you are doing it right, our home lights are what use most of our electricity every month. If you are able to utilise as little lights as possible in a room then you are succeeding in saving power through light maintenance.
Read moreKitchen Paint advice
Painting the kitchen ceiling is one of the ways to reinvent your space , it is an affordable way to make your kitchen more appealing, you need to make sure the kitchen floor is well matched. If you are not sure, look for experts advice..
Read moreElectrical Installation in a new building
Embedding of conduit pipes on walls and underfloor.
Read moreThe perfect garden plants for a hot and humid climate
During hot summer seasons, humidity and temperature increases can take their toll on your garden and cause many plants to wilt and die under the strain of a hot climate.
Read moreThe Essentials of Tarring a Driveway in South Africa
Discover the key steps and considerations for successful driveway tarring in South Africa.
Read moreHow to choose the right lock for your home security
The humble lock has been available as a security implement for decades and has only improved in terms of variety of design, strength and specification. Sometimes the tried and tested security method is more effective and easy to use than the latest technological innovation, which is why locks are still used as a common form of successful security at the home. Familiarise yourself with these popular lock options before you make a purchase:
Read moreTree Felling
While chances are you won’t have any problems, safety should always be the top priority.
Read moreMicrowave choices
When choosing a microwave oven for a family of four, you'll want to consider factors such as size, power, features, and ease of maintenance. Here's a guide to help you select, install, and maintain a microwave oven:
Read moreHow to choose an Architect in South Africa
Ensure that your chosen Architect keeps you informed as the design process unfolds/progresses and that he or she adheres to the proposed project deliverables or design milestones/timelines.
Read moreCabinet Doors
Cabinet doors serve a few purposes. Firstly they conceal what is behind the doors and then of course add to the decor of the room. It is therefore most important to choose the types, styles and designs of cabinet doors wisely as they can enhance or diminish the whole visual appearance of the room. Cabinets can either be free standing, built-in to a wall or affixed to it!
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