Painting Your Home
Many people assume that professional painters just slap some paint on a brush and get to work, but that just isn’t true.
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Tree Surgery
Tree surgeons or otherwise called a Aborist is a person who takes care and maintains tree's, this is often needed as people happen to have conflict with their garden trees all the time due to natural growth. It is a tree surgeons job to solve this by maintaining the beauty of the tree but solving the problem.
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Tips for creating your home library
If you’re a lover of books and have a passion for all things literary, why not set aside a corner for a library in the comfort of your home. Follow this checklist to make sure you’re library is complete with all the necessary basics.
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Artificial Grass - Moving Forward
Artificial grass is a new form of home improvement that is expanding the possibilities in homes, offices and sporting fields around the world.
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Wire Balustrades
Having wire balustrades is a great look for anyone's home, the next step is making sure you keep the look you have wanted through all the seasons. Here are a few tips to making sure your doing the best maintenance for your home.
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Seasonal Lawn Care Tips: How to Keep Your Garden Thriving All Year Round
By following these seasonal lawn care tips, you’ll ensure your garden remains a source of pride and beauty all year round.
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Expert cleaning tips for your leather furniture
Leather furniture adds a touch of old-world class to any room. However, a bit of extra maintenance is necessary to keep your leather couch shiny and rich in colour. Follow these easy cleaning tips to maintain the quality of your leather couch, and remove any stains or spots blemishing your furniture.
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Design a recreation room for the whole family
A recreation room in your home can be a wonderful source of escape and relaxation from the daily stresses of life. Recreation rooms also encourage family time and provide a good place for older children to socialize with their friends without taking over the whole house. Here are some ideas to get your recreation room planning and building off to a good start:
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Winter Season Pool Tips
It is that time of year again when you wont be using your pool and it is going to turn into a green swamp just like winter promises. So it is your job to try make sure that you do what you can to make sure that when summer comes again you have nice blue pool to swim in.
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Bamboo Blinds
If you are after shades or window treatments that are as aesthetically pleasing as they are kind to the environment, then bamboo shades are your best option!
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Decorators: Finding your guide for brilliant design
Hiring an interior decorator to guide you through the designing process of homemaking may seem like an unnecessary expense, but there are real benefits to seeking a professional.
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Printing on Canvas, Where do I start?
You can do your own sketch of sizes and ideas you have to see if it will work for your wall space
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Top tips for carpet cleaning
Carpet flooring can lend a sense of comfort and warmth to a home that hardwood, tile or cement floors often do not achieve. However, keeping one’s carpets clean and stain free can be a challenge as there is no single method for removing different types of stains. Follow this guide to boost your carpet-cleaning skills and know what to do with particular types of spills or marks on your carpet flooring:
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Differences between wet and dry carpet cleaning
The Duo Applicator features twin contra-rotating brushes which open up the carpet pile and work the duo-P carpet cleaning powder deep and evenly into the pile and around every fibre.
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Pool Installation in Cape Town - Everything You Need to Know
Choosing the best swimming pool construction company requires thorough research and careful consideration.
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CCTV Cameras
Closed-circuit television cameras, otherwise known as CCTV cameras, are a security solution that functions like a TV, but that produces footage which is monitored by a private user rather than for purposes of public distribution.
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Palisades and Security Fencing
Having security in your home is always very important when you move into your first property. Palisade fencing although quite expensive is a very safe and reliable options. Although it is recommended to get it installed it can be done with some hard work alone.
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