Cleaning Service
When your work life becomes too time consuming and your house starts to build up a bit too much dust, a cleaning service can come in handy at these times. There are many different kinds of services that are up for offer. These are there to suit your time schedules and needs.
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Tree Felling Laws in South Africa: A Comprehensive Guide
In South Africa, the government has implemented laws and regulations to protect trees from being cut down without proper authorization.
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Fitting a Cabinet
Time to replace those cabinets in your kitchen? It doesn't have to be a hard job to do, with a few simple tips the job can go down without a hitch. If you have a problem with anything contact a professional in your area from our page.
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The Choice between a Qualified Professional owned company VS UnQualified Owned Contractor
We have experience with many projects and are not chance takers.
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Garden play equipment: create an imaginative world in your backyard
The garden of your home can be used for more than gardening or exercising pets. Garden play equipment can turn your garden into a haven for children and a perfect place for them to spend the day expending energy and learning important developmental skills.
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Pest Control Materials
If you are wanting to get into Pest Control or you are just wanting to invest in some equipment in case the need arises there are plenty of things you are going to need. For your safety and for the safety of those around you it is highly recommended that you do lots of research before you begin.
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Garden Pots and Plants
There is no question that plants in your garden are a pivotal way of expressing yourself and bringing an element of life into your home. Not all homeowners have the luxury of an entire garden to fill, but this shouldn’t be considered a downfall to your home.
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Cordless Blinds
Nowadays, homeowners have more options than ever before when it comes to window treatments. People are now able to have many different types of blinds, this includes multiple lift systems, Each is unique and provides end users with vastly different functionality. One of the most popular today are cordless blinds.
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Organic Pest Control: Keep bugs out, the natural way
Before using chemicals to rid your garden of pests, consider using natural pest control, which is safer for your garden, yourself and your family.
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Cleaning Contractors
In terms of safety, hiring a reputable cleaning contracting company can be a safer bet in South Africa compared to hiring an individual cleaner, as companies are more likely to conduct background checks, verify references, and adhere to legal requirements such as obtaining work permits for their employees.
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Cleaning your Oven
Nobody wants to clean an oven. In an ideal world, our appliances would do nothing but cook us our roasts and warm up our coffee - unfortunately, idealism is nothing but an aspiration!
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How to choose the perfect pool table for you
A good quality pool table is an expensive investment that should be made wisely. Make sure you ask the right questions and know what to look for when choosing a pool table for your family or recreation room.
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Carpet Tile Maintenance
The best first tip top give is that areas where there is a lot of traffic should be vacuumed every second day, Perimeter and edges should be addressed weekly.
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Keep your wallpaper clean with these easy tips
Maintaining your wallpaper is vital to ensure that it lasts longer, keeps its colour and texture, and looks professional. By following these easy cleaning tips, you can make sure that you avoid damaging the wallpaper in your home through faulty cleaning techniques and can keep it looking brand-new.
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Solar Heating Panels
We have used the sun (solar energy) to our advantage for thousands of years for growing food, heating food or water, making fire, electricity and alternative energy. Man cannot live without the sun and on a chilly day, we will hunt for a spot within the sun.
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Toilet Types
Consult a specialist bathroom or toilet supplier to advise you on the options available. Installation should be undertaken by a qualified and licensed plumber. There are a number of toilet ranges available
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