How to choose the perfect living room carpet
A soft, comfortable carpet adds to the atmosphere of a relaxing family space where parents and children can come together after a busy day. Choosing the right kind of carpet that looks on trend, but is also practical for a family area, can be a challenge. Have a look at these simple guidelines to find the perfect carpet to suit your living room:
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Common design flaws and how to avoid them
When redesigning your home, or building from the foundations up, avoiding design errors should always be a concern. The simplest layout or placement flaw can truly hinder your experience of your home and prove to be very frustrating and costly.
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Bookshelves and Cabinets
Determining the best location for bookshelves and shelving in your home depends on several factors, including the available space, the layout of your home, and your personal preferences.
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Lighting Materials and Supplies
Sometimes all a house needs is a little more light, during the winter it starts to get dark early. Installing new kinds of Light fixtures into your house could brighten up those early nights and make life at home a little more easy. It does not require too many tools or too much money.
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New Kitchen Look
With the advent of 3D design technology it has become far easier for kitchen designers and architects to effectively communicate ideas with their clients…or has it?
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Types of Air Conditioners
Air conditioners certainly provide comfort for those living in harsh climatic environments. South Africa certainly is one of these.
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Carpets have always been, and always will be, in demand when it comes to flooring that keeps your home comfortable and warm, especially in the winter season.
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Wardrobe Ideas
There are multiple types of wardrobes that you can buy that can suite all your needs, firstly you will need to measure the space you have in your room for it and then do the necessary research to chose what you would like, here is a short list to start you off:
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Designer Tiling and Heating
When tiling over existing tiles the thought is a sensible choice for commercial clients who are looking to revamp but continue to trade during the project. This type of installation avoids the noise, mess and additional costs
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Skylights: the homeowner’s solution for natural light and air
Skylights are an amazing way to incorporate the use of natural light into your home. They give homes a touch of the ambience of the natural, exterior world, and open up the space of a home, giving it a more expansive feel.
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Construction Inspection
All building foundations should be compacted to engineer's MODASHTOO spec and fumigated by qualified pest controller as to avoid any foundations/ structural defects in future
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How to keep your baby’s nursery pest and bug free
A baby’s room should be the safest room in the house considering your precious newborn will be spending most of his/her time there during the initial stages of their life. As a parent, keeping your baby’s room free of any insects or pests that could bother or potentially harm your child is a must. Here are some guidelines to ensure your baby is not bothered by household creepy-crawlers.
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A nursery is, in essence, a home for baby plants to be grown and nurtured until they are fully-grown. People who own nurseries should have a good grasp on how to care for a variety of plants
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Introduction to Glass Building Products
Safety Precautions: If glass is damaged or broken on site, engage in a expert glazier to manage the situation, as broken glass, is a safety hazard.
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Top tips for reusing food waste from your kitchen
Leftovers, expired bread, and vegetable and fruit peels. The amount of waste produced by the average kitchen, which is normally thrown away, can be alarming, especially when one considers that all this waste can still be useful.
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Roof repairs and waterproofing: how these household chores can make or break you
Repairing your roof often shouldn’t be the case if it is done correctly the first time. Property owners like to go for the cheapest option available as it is convenient for them at the time, not thinking that it will cost them more in the months to come.
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Bi-Fold Doors
Bi-Fold doors have slowly become more popular in the modern day homes. They look sleek, let in light and join up our homes with our gardens. If the weather changes you can simply open or close your doors without any difficulty or fuss. They only become a problem when you look at the price.
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