Solar Heating
Lowering your electricity bill and being energy conscious are two of the most prominent reasons for converting to solar energy. Although the initial setup may be costly and time consuming, the end result is always well worth it- for both your wallet and your carbon footprint. Solar water heating works through a process of converting sunlight into heat energy that increases the temperature of water. Solar panels often have a mirror system that concentrates sunlight into a smaller surfa
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Roller Doors
Old Garage doors can cause more problems and safety hazards then most people think, so maybe it time to install a new door with a torsion spring and do-it-yourself tensioning. Installing a new, double garage door yourself will save you several hundred dollars and should take eight to 12 hours if you’re fairly handy.
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Split air conditioner system: an energy efficient and affordable alternative
During hot summer seasons, air conditioners are a must to keep your home cool and fresh. For effective control of your home’s internal temperatures, a split air conditioner is a viable consideration that has the benefit of being unobtrusive and subtle.
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Fitting a Cabinet
Time to replace those cabinets in your kitchen? It doesn't have to be a hard job to do, with a few simple tips the job can go down without a hitch. If you have a problem with anything contact a professional in your area from our page.
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Understanding the Role of Security Guards in South Africa
Learn about the crucial role of security guards and why they're hired across South Africa
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Sauna Materials and Supplies
Many people dream of having their own saunas at home, these can be used to relax and for multiple health reasons. Setting them up can be done outside or you can turn a room from your house into your very own sauna room. Here are a few basic tips and steps on how to do it
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Fireplaces can create a home that is grand, a home that is modern or a home that is minimal. Whatever you choose, HomeImprovement4U can help you make that choice come alive.
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3D design: the latest in design technology
3D design is one of the latest innovations in design technology. It can be described as a process of mathematically representing any surface or object in three-dimensional visualization software.
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6 Mistakes to avoid before you build
Set your budget or get assistance in setting it, be realistic and have a 10% contingency fund
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Microwave choices
When choosing a microwave oven for a family of four, you'll want to consider factors such as size, power, features, and ease of maintenance. Here's a guide to help you select, install, and maintain a microwave oven:
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Contemporary furniture styles through the ages
Contemporary furniture has a long history of development and has evolved from the start of the 20th century to give homeowners over two centuries of design to choose from. If you are interested in investing in contemporary style furniture, it is important to familiarise yourself with what exactly ‘contemporary’ entails. Check out this list of landmark contemporary developments to guide your home design and find the era that works for you:
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Fireplace Cleaning
Having a home wood fireplace can be great for the cold times in the winter, the only problem that can come with this is safety and having to clean up so you still have that comfortable clean look of a fireplace
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Bedroom Furniture
Every home owner deserves to design a space that is completely their own; a space that is personal and allows for complete comfort and tranquility.
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Wallpaper Cleaning
Test out a small patch of wallpaper with a tiny bit of dishwashing liquid and water to see if it is suitable for washing.
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Carpet Tiles
Finally, nylon is a carpet material that offers the benefits of being fire-retardant and antistatic, as well as being a highly durable product that is easy to clean.
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How to Identify Defects in Old Buildings
Old buildings in their glorious times boast of beautifully crafted window panes, blinds, door panels, etc
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Decorators: Finding your guide for brilliant design
Hiring an interior decorator to guide you through the designing process of homemaking may seem like an unnecessary expense, but there are real benefits to seeking a professional.
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