Urban residents in South Africa can benefit greatly from splash pools, especially in areas with limited space. Splash pools offer a refreshing escape from the heat and can add value to urban properties without taking up much space.
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When do your chimney and fireplace require a professional clean?
Keeping your chimney and fireplace clean has a lot more benefits besides basic hygiene. A clean chimney and fireplace reduces a smoky odour in the home, allows a fire to burn nicely, prevents smoke from billowing into living spaces and decreases the chance of a fire emergency.
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Fireplaces can create a home that is grand, a home that is modern or a home that is minimal. Whatever you choose, HomeImprovement4U can help you make that choice come alive.
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Leaking Tiled Roof
A leaking roof causes severe damage to ceilings and walls depending on the location and size of the leak.
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Common Alarm Problems
Making sure that we use our alarm systems is something that we need to be reminded about, it always the small things that we forget to do when we become too relaxed with your system. These tips will give you some extra help for later.
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Seasonal Lawn Care Tips: How to Keep Your Garden Thriving All Year Round
By following these seasonal lawn care tips, you’ll ensure your garden remains a source of pride and beauty all year round.
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The Role of a Domestic Worker vs a Cleaning Contractor .
Discover whether hiring a domestic worker or opting for a cleaning contractor is the best choice for maintaining your South African home.
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Bad smells. A steady flow of water removes bad smells, whereas stagnant water and the collection of materials that decompose over time create bad odours that eventually permeates your house.
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Electric Vs Gas Stove
One of the big decisions of your new home is whether you are going to use a gas or electric stove and oven. Here are a few pros and cons to having either of these in your house and then the decision is up to you.
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Installing a Sauna in Your Home
Transform your home with our step-by-step guide to installing a sauna. From planning and preparation to the final touches, this guide covers everything you need to know. Enjoy the luxury and health benefits of your personal sauna retreat in your own home.
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Shades Cleaning
Cleaning blinds is the one thing that many people put off but only takes about 30 minutes a month to get of your conscious. Shades come in many different types and each has its own way of cleaning and these can usually be made out of delicate fabrics, like silk, should be professionally cleaned, everything else you can clean on your own .
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Top tips for beginners in tree surgery
Tree surgery is a maintenance aspect in the cultivation, management, and design of trees and shrubs. Tree surgeons practice the repair and maintenance of trees in order to keep plants healthy, as well as improve their appearance and enhance their design. Here is a simple guide to tree surgery and its main exponents:
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Locking systems play a vital part in peoples lives keeping them and their belongings safe, it is very important to know how each lock works and which one will be best for you and your needs!
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Floods - What to do?
All South African rivers experience flooding at one time or another. The potential for flood damage is particularly high where there is development on low-lying, flood-prone lands.
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The Essentials of Tarring a Driveway in South Africa
Discover the key steps and considerations for successful driveway tarring in South Africa.
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