Organic and Natural Pest Control
If you are uneasy with the thought of using toxic and harmful pesticides in the vicinity of your home and happen to have a soft spot for the pests amongst your belongings, there are a few organic and natural remedies that should have them gone in no time!
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Securing Your Property: Walls vs. Fences in South Africa
Whether you choose a wall, a fence, or electric security options, the most important thing is to take proactive steps to protect your home and loved ones.
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Fireplace Cleaning
Having a home wood fireplace can be great for the cold times in the winter, the only problem that can come with this is safety and having to clean up so you still have that comfortable clean look of a fireplace
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How to by build your deck the eco-friendly way
If you are considering building a deck to add to your outdoor living experience, why not do it the green way. There are many tips and trick to ensure you build your deck with minimum environmental impact, here are just a few to get you started:
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Benefits of Custom made Furniture
Some people do not use their sitting area as much as others, this would mean it would be normal to buy ready made furniture. For those who have specific needs and want for their comfort, a custom made piece of furniture is the answer.
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Fiberglass vs. Concrete Pools in South Africa:
Ultimately, the decision between a fibreglass and a concrete pool depends on various factors, including your budget, desired customisation, time frame, maintenance capabilities, and geographical location.
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Ask for a guarantee
Reliable and Honest-To find the right contractor to work at your property can be tough. One of the most Important things to look at is finding a company with a good track record. One that is reliable and honest and happy to give you recommendations from previous clients.
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Glass cutting
If you ever need to cut glass for some DIY work at home, follow these simple steps. These are 2 simple methods to cutting glass if you do not have a glass cutter. These 2 methods involve a few tools and need to be done very carefully for complete success
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How to keep your baby’s nursery pest and bug free
A baby’s room should be the safest room in the house considering your precious newborn will be spending most of his/her time there during the initial stages of their life. As a parent, keeping your baby’s room free of any insects or pests that could bother or potentially harm your child is a must. Here are some guidelines to ensure your baby is not bothered by household creepy-crawlers.
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Microwaves: Finding the perfect size and placement
Microwaves are one of the most commonly used and convenient staples to any kitchen. Follow this microwave buyer’s guide to determine where your microwave should be located, and what size will best suit your needs:
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Essential Pool Equipment
With the right equipment, you can ensure that your pool remains safe, clean, and comfortable for your family and friends.
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Baby Furniture
A nursery is a place of bonding and peace, a space in which you and your child spend a vast amount of time, whether that time involves eating, sleeping or playing.
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How to design a more Eco-Friendly Home
For any building to receive a certificate of occupancy, every professional involved - from the designer to the builder - needs to comply with SANS standard 10400-XA building standards
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Fence Cleaning
When you have finally chosen your fence of choice, its time to learn how to clean it! Your fence of choice could be a metal or wooden one but it is always important to know the best method to cleaning your fence. Here are a few tips to cleaning a metal or wooden fence.
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Contemporary furniture styles through the ages
Contemporary furniture has a long history of development and has evolved from the start of the 20th century to give homeowners over two centuries of design to choose from. If you are interested in investing in contemporary style furniture, it is important to familiarise yourself with what exactly ‘contemporary’ entails. Check out this list of landmark contemporary developments to guide your home design and find the era that works for you:
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Choosing the perfect trees to bring your garden to life
Trees are the centrepiece of the garden and can give shade, support ecosystems, provide a perfect place for children to play, or serve as a picnic site.
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Recycling in the Home
I have no doubt that most people reading this article will have a basic understanding of the concept of recycling
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