Choosing the right kitchen splashback involves considering various factors such as aesthetics, functionality, maintenance, and budget.
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Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Home Theatre System
Explore the complete process of setting up a home theatre system, from optimizing room acoustics to choosing the best audio-visual equipment for your entertainment needs in South Africa.
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Safety tips for electric heaters
Electric heaters can be one of the most comforting and useful household products during cold winter months. They are also known for being cost effective and highly efficient at heating large surface areas. However, they do come with a risk if used incorrectly or without correct caution. Follow these tips to make sure you get maximum enjoyment out of your electric heater while ensuring your own safety and that of your family and property:
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What to do in a plumbing emergency
Knowing what to do in a plumbing emergency is a vital household skill that every homeowner should have. Plumbing emergencies are hardly a rare occurrence and one should be prepared at any moment to react appropriately to sudden leaks, overflows, blockages or drainage issues in order to minimize the damage to your home.
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Garden Services & Lawn Mowing in Summer: Tips and Tricks for Homeowners
Get your South African garden summer-ready with tips on lawn care, garden cleanup, and tree maintenance. From mowing techniques to sustainable practices, this guide helps you maintain a vibrant outdoor space that withstands the season’s heat and complements your home improvement efforts.
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Install proper barriers, covers, and alarms on and around your pool and spa
If Pet Safety is your main concern, then the Leaf Net or PVC Cover would be your best option. Both are strong enough to keep your pets out of the water and safe. For lightweight pets, the best option will be the Leaf Net, and for heavier pets, it would be the PVC Cover.
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How Much Does it Cost to Fully Renovate a House in South Africa?
Remember to plan ahead, stick to your budget, and work with a reliable contractor to ensure a successful renovation project.
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Limestone Renders
Having limestone rendering can be a very safe option for you and your family! Plaster is coating a surface with cement render or plaster finish on an internal or external wall. Plaster is for decoration and protection of every building.
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Garden Pots and Plants
There is no question that plants in your garden are a pivotal way of expressing yourself and bringing an element of life into your home. Not all homeowners have the luxury of an entire garden to fill, but this shouldn’t be considered a downfall to your home.
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In these modern days, aluminium windows can now be fitted with shutters, burglar bars and security screens to enhance security of occupants and their possessions, whilst maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the property.
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Best Home Fitness Equipment
One of the many problems that comes with having a busy schedule is finding time to work out. If you really don't have time to go to the gym then having a few small pieces of equipment at your house will let you work out at home and save you time.
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Stonemasons prepare and build with soft stone, marble, granite concrete blocks or any other materials involved with building, repairing stone structures.
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Cabinet Doors
Cabinet doors serve a few purposes. Firstly they conceal what is behind the doors and then of course add to the decor of the room. It is therefore most important to choose the types, styles and designs of cabinet doors wisely as they can enhance or diminish the whole visual appearance of the room. Cabinets can either be free standing, built-in to a wall or affixed to it!
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Fibreglass Pools: why fibreglass is your best bet
For homeowners planning on adding to their home experience with a pool to provide an area for relaxation, exercise and socialising, fibreglass pools, instead of concrete pools, are a viable option with multiple benefits.
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Dry Walling
A Drywall is used to construct walls and ceilings and has become a popular material now used in most homes. Drywall is also known as wallboard, plasterboard or gypsum board and takes the form of panels of gypsum plaster pressed between thick sheets of fiberglass matting or heavyweight paper that are called facers and backers. Additives that prevent mildew, condensation or flammability can be induced in the gypsum plaster layer.
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Marble Tiles
Marble tiles are unique in that each one has a slightly different colour and swirling pattern, so it's no surprise that they make for one of the most exciting and beautiful flooring options available.
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Exploring the Rising Demand for Garden and Guard Huts in South Africa
Uncover the benefits of garden and guard huts for South African homeowners, from enhancing outdoor spaces to boosting security.
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