Gutter Cleaning Tips
Having a clean gutter provides your house with safety and efficiency, Often, inadequate storm drainage leads to extensive, expensive damage in the form of leaks and flooding or such related issues as mould growth and pest infestations.
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Cleaning Contractors
In terms of safety, hiring a reputable cleaning contracting company can be a safer bet in South Africa compared to hiring an individual cleaner, as companies are more likely to conduct background checks, verify references, and adhere to legal requirements such as obtaining work permits for their employees.
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How to design a more Eco-Friendly Home
For any building to receive a certificate of occupancy, every professional involved - from the designer to the builder - needs to comply with SANS standard 10400-XA building standards
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The benefits of using natural grass for your garden
If you’re thinking about upgrading your garden, adding to your garden, or are starting your landscaping journey for the first time, deciding on what kind of grass you want is an important consideration.
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When do your chimney and fireplace require a professional clean?
Keeping your chimney and fireplace clean has a lot more benefits besides basic hygiene. A clean chimney and fireplace reduces a smoky odour in the home, allows a fire to burn nicely, prevents smoke from billowing into living spaces and decreases the chance of a fire emergency.
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Garden Art and Statues
As homeowners who are in the midst of a creative and innovative time, you have an incredible opportunity to create a garden that is unique and personal.
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There is a few Important things to know before you starting to do Demolishing at your house.
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Colour Consultants: Choosing the perfect hue for your home
The function of a colour consultant is to know the effects and atmosphere given off by certain colours and, based on this knowledge, give clients advice when it comes to choosing colour schemes for their home.
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Cushions and pillows
Cushions and pillows are among the most basic and effective aspects of décor in any room, whether it be a lounge, bedroom or dining room. Cushions and pillows are more than just decorative though, they have a functional role to play in that they lend comfort to furniture, or allow for a good night’s sleep.
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Common design flaws and how to avoid them
When redesigning your home, or building from the foundations up, avoiding design errors should always be a concern. The simplest layout or placement flaw can truly hinder your experience of your home and prove to be very frustrating and costly.
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Unveiling the Secrets of Garden Rubbish Removal
Learn about garden waste disposal in South Africa for a cleaner outdoor space.
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Once water passes the roofing it flows along the sheathing, roof rafters or topside of ceilings until it finds a place to drip down inevitably onto your favourite furniture
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Hydronic Heating
Hydronic heating is one of the most popular home-heating solutions today. It functions by circulating warmed water through radiators, radiant tubing in one’s ceilings or floors, or through warming baseboards.
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Kitchen design: the finishing touches
In designing a kitchen, the main items one initially focuses on are the cabinetry and counter top style or finish. However, what about the finer details?
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Why choose a Plunge Pool over a standard Pool
With benefits like reduced costs, easier maintenance, and the ability to fit into almost any outdoor area, plunge pools are the perfect addition to your next Home Improvement project.
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7 ways to cut down on building costs without sacrificing quality.
Buy materials direct from the brick manufacturer, you save 10% on the cost from other suppliers, it’s not easy to find one that will sell bricks to you direct but they do exist.
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Construction Inspection
All building foundations should be compacted to engineer's MODASHTOO spec and fumigated by qualified pest controller as to avoid any foundations/ structural defects in future
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