Paints materials and Supplies
When designing your house it is important to select the correct paint for the environment, this will give the best results for your house and let there be as little problems in the future as possible. The type of paint you choose is just as important as the colour, and can have a major effect on the character of your room.
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Dining room furniture: choosing the perfect dinner table
Choosing the perfect dinner table to complement your dining room and surrounding dining room furniture, involves multiple considerations relating to the design and practicality of the table.
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How to choose an Architect in South Africa
Ensure that your chosen Architect keeps you informed as the design process unfolds/progresses and that he or she adheres to the proposed project deliverables or design milestones/timelines.
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Shades Cleaning
Cleaning blinds is the one thing that many people put off but only takes about 30 minutes a month to get of your conscious. Shades come in many different types and each has its own way of cleaning and these can usually be made out of delicate fabrics, like silk, should be professionally cleaned, everything else you can clean on your own .
Read moreSolar Geysers Power for Sustainable Living: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
Discover the benefits of solar geysers for reducing your carbon footprint and embracing sustainable living in South Africa. Learn how solar energy can power your journey towards a cleaner and greener future.
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Garden Furniture
Whether you’re looking to lounge outside on lazy summer days, enjoy a family-friendly poolside set-up or indulge in a classy patio dining unit for sundowners; garden furniture has a central role in your outdoor living experience.
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Concrete Waterproofing
Depending upon the type of waterproofing application you use, the concrete will be out of action for a certain period of time. It’s very important that the manufacturer’s guidelines are followed.
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Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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Floods - What to do?
All South African rivers experience flooding at one time or another. The potential for flood damage is particularly high where there is development on low-lying, flood-prone lands.
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How to choose linen for family members with sensitive skin
One of the biggest benefits of cotton for sensitive skin is that it allows air-flow between the fabric and the skin, while still keeping the body warm. This prevents sweating, heat build-up or itchiness and irritation.
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Garden Clean up tips
Cleaning up your garden at the end of summer in preparation for winter is important for maintaining its health and preparing it for the colder months. Here are some tips for homeowners in South Africa along with the tools you may need:
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Make sure that the screed allows water to flow away and one should be able to see with naked eyes that the screed is sloping.
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Skylights: the homeowner’s solution for natural light and air
Skylights are an amazing way to incorporate the use of natural light into your home. They give homes a touch of the ambience of the natural, exterior world, and open up the space of a home, giving it a more expansive feel.
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Frameless balustrades
Frameless balustrades are aesthetic can can add a really nice look to your house, but they can be a bit on the expensive side
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Patio installation
A patio can be created with many materials, but it's hard to beat one made from pavers for ease of installation and low maintenance. It may sometimes come across at a greater cost but in the long run you will save more money as you will not have to continuously seal it and repair will be easier as you will know how it was all done and how it can be fixed.
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Cabinet Doors
Cabinet doors serve a few purposes. Firstly they conceal what is behind the doors and then of course add to the decor of the room. It is therefore most important to choose the types, styles and designs of cabinet doors wisely as they can enhance or diminish the whole visual appearance of the room. Cabinets can either be free standing, built-in to a wall or affixed to it!
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Dry Walling
A Drywall is used to construct walls and ceilings and has become a popular material now used in most homes. Drywall is also known as wallboard, plasterboard or gypsum board and takes the form of panels of gypsum plaster pressed between thick sheets of fiberglass matting or heavyweight paper that are called facers and backers. Additives that prevent mildew, condensation or flammability can be induced in the gypsum plaster layer.
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