Benefits of a large Garage
Having a garage can offer numerous benefits for homeowners, and considering a flat-roofed garage for potential future home extension can be a practical choice
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Apex Waterproofing
The fight against the elements has been a constant battle for homeowners since the dawn of civilization. The history of waterproofing stretches as far back as 13,000 years and is considered the third oldest trade (behind masonry and carpentry).
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Tips for creating your home library
If you’re a lover of books and have a passion for all things literary, why not set aside a corner for a library in the comfort of your home. Follow this checklist to make sure you’re library is complete with all the necessary basics.
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Best Bar Maintenance
When you have your own bar at home you want to make sure that everything works well, and everyone can enjoy a nice gathering and some drinks at the bar. This all begins with using the best cleaning equipment and making sure all your equipment is cleaned thoroughly.
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Carpet Tiles
Finally, nylon is a carpet material that offers the benefits of being fire-retardant and antistatic, as well as being a highly durable product that is easy to clean.
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Tree Felling
While chances are you won’t have any problems, safety should always be the top priority.
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Garden Fences
Fences are a vital part of the modern home. We install fences for two reasons; to keep things in and to keep things out
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Building Project Managers
Generally, you will need to speak with a building project manager if you plan to build, extend or renovate your property. Project managers can be architects, interior designers, surveyors, engineers, or project consultants, amongst others. Essentially, the job of a building project manager is to give advice or to undertake tasks that are in relation to the building industry.
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Dual Medium Whole House filter
The Mega Char is designed to remove sediment, tastes, odours, chlorine and volatile organic compounds from water entering your home.
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Wire Balustrades
Having wire balustrades is a great look for anyone's home, the next step is making sure you keep the look you have wanted through all the seasons. Here are a few tips to making sure your doing the best maintenance for your home.
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Sound and Lighting Equipment
When planning a small get together at your house or a huge party, sound and lights are essential to setting the correct mood and letting your guests have the best night possible.
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Why you should consider a reverse cycle air conditioner
Reverse cycle air conditioners are an increasingly popular option for controlling home temperatures. Reverse cycle air conditioners have many advantages over other systems that should be considered before you update your home heating or cooling systems.
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6 Mistakes to avoid before you build
Set your budget or get assistance in setting it, be realistic and have a 10% contingency fund
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10 Steps to Growing Trees
Trees need room to grow their branches above the ground and their roots below the ground. Avoid planting too close to overhead telephone or power lines, or too close to buildings. Most medium sized trees should be located at least 2 meters from any wall. Check whether your tree has an aggressive root system and needs to be further than 2 meters from any wall or building. Some trees have large surface roots and will lift paving.
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3 things you should know about roof inspection process
Getting our roof inspected frequently will improve the longevity of the building. It will also save you considerable expenses that you would have otherwise spent on repairs when your roof gets damaged
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