Eco-friendly irrigation techniques for your garden
Drip irrigation systems allow gradual trickles of water to enter the soil, while soaker hoses have small holes in their surface that also allow small amounts of water to escape.
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Garden Play Equipment
Many of you who are reading this will be looking to find a way to give your child a childhood that is filled with activity and outdoor play.
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Top Benefits of Using Fence Raisers: Enhanced Security and Privacy for Your Home
Fence raisers are a smart home improvement choice, offering enhanced security, privacy, and aesthetic appeal. Learn how raising your fence height can deter intruders, protect outdoor assets, and create a peaceful, private oasis in your backyard. Explore the numerous benefits today!
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If you’re selling your property, then consider this …
Have someone with a fresh pair of eyes, point out areas of your home that need work and consider the following.
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Internal doors
Time to decide on your internal doors and install them. This can be quite a hefty job but if done correctly can be done quickly and easily if done with the correct instructions. Choosing your new internal door is all based on your own personal design taste.
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Sewerage and Waste Removals
Wet waste can become a nuisance in your house, it often leaves a smell and a mark on the floor if it is there for too long, it can also if not disposed of properly be harmful to the environment, if you are able to remove the waste properly then you are saving yourself and the environment.
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Your Ultimate Home Renovations Check List
When it comes to property renovations, doing your homework beforehand is the first thing you owe yourself. Proper planning is of paramount importance and it eliminates the two monsters that normally haunt both contractor and property owner; one: going over my budget, and two: taking longer than expected to finish a project. From my expensive bad experiences, I have come to understand that there is a checklist to follow if you want your property revamp to be hassle free.
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Microwave repairs
A microwave is a very handy in the house and can be a real trouble when they stop working, common problems with microwaves can be found and fixed if you know what you are looking for. Here are a few common problems with microwaves and possible ways to fix them.
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Kitchen critters: how to get rid of cockroaches
Cockroaches are amongst the most detested and, often, feared household pests. Keeping cockroaches out of your kitchen is important for hygienic reasons and for purposes of general comfort for both your family and any guests.
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2024 Pool Trends: Discovering the Ideal Swimming Pool for Cape Town
As we stand at the intersection of sustainability and enduring design, the invitation is extended to embrace the pool trends of 2024 and beyond.
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Grass Disease
Lawn diseases are a common and frustrating probability for even the most dedicated gardening-enthusiast. Knowing the types of lawn disease and their causes are an important step towards limiting your lawns vulnerability to diseases.
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There are numerous reasons your power can cut out. Whether we’re making jokes about Eskom or in the midst of a bad storm – having no power is a major inconvenience. Fortunately, there is always the option of a generator.
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Designer Tiling and Heating
When tiling over existing tiles the thought is a sensible choice for commercial clients who are looking to revamp but continue to trade during the project. This type of installation avoids the noise, mess and additional costs
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Asbestos Removals
If you suspect that asbestos-containing materials have been used in your home, the best course of action to take is to enlist the help of a licensed asbestos inspector. This will let you know for sure if there is a proper need to get it removed.
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Shower Repairs
A leaking shower can damage your home if the waterproofing membrane is damaged. Leaks can lead to mold and other bacteria growing in your home which is of course something we all want to avoid. A waterproof membrane should always be applied to the bathroom shower area. If this has not been done you need to replace and seal the tile grout and apply a surface sealant to all joins on the shower base!
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Sound and Lighting Equipment
When planning a small get together at your house or a huge party, sound and lights are essential to setting the correct mood and letting your guests have the best night possible.
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Pet-Friendly Carpet and Fabric Protection Strategies
Long Article Snippet: Discover tips to keep your home stylish and pet-friendly with effective carpet and fabric protection strategies.
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