Concrete Kerb Builder
Concrete kerbs are always a great way to provide a lovely stylish border in your landscape, helping to define garden beds as well as keeping different elements of the garden separate!
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Exploring Garden Irrigation Systems: A Comprehensive Guide
One of the main concerns for homeowners considering a garden irrigation system is the installation process.
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Drawings should be put in place inspected by an assessor and be approved before any project starts. Building an illegal, foreign or not recognised structure by the municipality is totally unacceptable, free advice must be given to consumers of the services and products.
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Home Automation
Home Automation sounds, to the inexperienced ear, like one of the most overwhelming and terrifying concepts in the world. What we don’t think about, however, that we have been living in automated homes for a vast majority of our lives.
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Painting Your Home
Many people assume that professional painters just slap some paint on a brush and get to work, but that just isn’t true.
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Borehole pumps
Protection for borehole pumps can be done by using a control unit, switching units or probes for level switches.
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Common causes of household odours and how to remedy them
Sewerage smell, damp odours and drain stenches. Few household problems are more unpleasant, and make your home less comfortable, than bad smells. Read this list to find out the most common causes of household odours, and how to fix them:
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Get roof repairs done in Cape Town before winter arrives!
It’s well worth your while to chat to the friendly team of roofing specialists at Empire Roofing if you suspect there may be trouble up above! You could save yourself a lot of time and money by getting to the root of any roofing issues before they become major problems!
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Getting Your House Ready for the Summer Rains
Get your home rain-ready with essential tips for South Africa’s summer rains. From roofing repairs and gutter cleaning to waterproofing your foundation and sealing windows, these steps help prevent costly damage, keeping your home dry and secure all season long.
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The Importance of Access Control Systems in Residential Security
Explore the vital role of access control systems, security beams, and alarms in fortifying residential security, essential for homeowners and renovators seeking to protect their South African properties.
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How to keep your baby’s nursery pest and bug free
A baby’s room should be the safest room in the house considering your precious newborn will be spending most of his/her time there during the initial stages of their life. As a parent, keeping your baby’s room free of any insects or pests that could bother or potentially harm your child is a must. Here are some guidelines to ensure your baby is not bothered by household creepy-crawlers.
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Garden Fences
Fences are a vital part of the modern home. We install fences for two reasons; to keep things in and to keep things out
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Five garden tools every gardener should own
Some say a gardener is only as good as his/her tools. Here is our list of top five garden tools that no dedicated gardener should be seen without:
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Glass Cleaning
Having a faint finger smudge or a collection of dirt on your glass counters and windows can cause a lot of worry, and even after all that there are still smudges from where you have wiped. The best start is a change of product in your bucket!
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So, if you’re considering installing a pool in Cape Town, don’t let cost be a deterrent.
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Carpet Cleaning
Typically a quotation is based on the area to be cleaned and how many rooms are involved. Fabric protection usually is available at an extra cost. Only the carpet fibers should be cleaned and the backing, underlay or floorboards should not be wet.
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