A nursery is, in essence, a home for baby plants to be grown and nurtured until they are fully-grown. People who own nurseries should have a good grasp on how to care for a variety of plants
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Securing Your Property: Walls vs. Fences in South Africa
Whether you choose a wall, a fence, or electric security options, the most important thing is to take proactive steps to protect your home and loved ones.
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Bath Resurfacing Specialist
The bathroom is definitely one of the most important rooms in the house as it used daily for cleaning oneself and definitely relaxation too. A well-designed bathroom in good condition means that you will get the most from it. When your bathroom surfaces, tiles and fixtures are looking worn, cracked, chipped or faded, resurfacing, rather than replacing, could be the answer. Resurfacing should often be a cheaper alternative to replacing a bathroom and involves a heavy new glossy surface applied on top of any porcelain, ceramic or fibreglass!
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How to prevent your deck from splintering
Besides being unsightly, a splintering deck can pose a real threat to children or pets whose feet (or paws) can suffer real damage and pain from sharp, wooden shards.
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Master Key Systems: a convenient security solution
When it comes to convenient security, not much beats having a master key. Master key systems allow for homeowners, who have authorised access, to lock and unlock different doors around the house with just one key; the master key.
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Crime Scene Cleaners
Having a crime happen in your home is a traumatic and life changing event. Whilst members affected by the crime deal with the psychological and physical consequences of a crime, it is the job of crime scene cleaners to ensure that they come home to a clean, safe and sanitized home. A crime scene cleaner is somebody who is considered a “second responder” to a crime. Once an investigative team has gathered all the information they require, a crime scene clean up team is allowed onto the scene of the crime to clean the area
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Interior design mistakes to avoid
Interior design is a true art that some are more naturally skilled in than others. Improve your interior designing skills by taking note of these definite don’ts:
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Choosing the perfect trees to bring your garden to life
Trees are the centrepiece of the garden and can give shade, support ecosystems, provide a perfect place for children to play, or serve as a picnic site.
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Our Building Standards.
If a quote seems low it would obviously seem very tempting, but the truth is that when one compares apples to apples, all quotes should be very similar,
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Warranty Inspection
A home warranty check, often referred to as a home inspection, is typically conducted to assess the condition of a property before it is sold.
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Toilet Types
Consult a specialist bathroom or toilet supplier to advise you on the options available. Installation should be undertaken by a qualified and licensed plumber. There are a number of toilet ranges available
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Installing a ventilation system is often overlooked when homeowners think about building or renovating their homes. Because the effects of having a lack of indoor ventilation are not immediately noticeable, many homeowners don’t see them as a necessity. However, ventilation systems can go a long way towards making your home the perfect living environment.
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Essential Pool Equipment
With the right equipment, you can ensure that your pool remains safe, clean, and comfortable for your family and friends.
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Urban residents in South Africa can benefit greatly from splash pools, especially in areas with limited space. Splash pools offer a refreshing escape from the heat and can add value to urban properties without taking up much space.
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7 Reasons to Use Jet-Blasting Services to Clear Blocked Drains & Pipes
Jet-blasting services are one of the best methods to use.
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Double glazed windows: upgrading your standard windows
Modern construction has introduced advanced technology to some of the most basic home-elements, such as windows.
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