Once water passes the roofing it flows along the sheathing, roof rafters or topside of ceilings until it finds a place to drip down inevitably onto your favourite furniture
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Leaking Tiled Roof
A leaking roof causes severe damage to ceilings and walls depending on the location and size of the leak.
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Bad Feng Shui factors to avoid in home design
According to practitioners of Feng Shui, bad Feng Shui design implements in the home can have a detrimental effect on the homeowner’s general life and well-being. Bad Feng Shui causes a sense of disharmony in the home, can increase stress and conflict and can negatively impact one’s overall health by blocking and distorting positive energy.
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Cleaning Vinyl floors
Vinyl floors can go through quite a bit of wear and tear when they are in high traffic areas in the house, but if you are able to maintain and keep the floors clean and protected then they will last a while longer than what was expected and they will look in pristine condition.
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Palisade Fencing
Securing your home with adequate fencing is one of the most important defenses against intruders gaining entry to your residence.
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Glass Cleaning
Having a faint finger smudge or a collection of dirt on your glass counters and windows can cause a lot of worry, and even after all that there are still smudges from where you have wiped. The best start is a change of product in your bucket!
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Carpenters may specialise in a particular area of the trade, so please be sure your chosen professional is able to complete your specific project by advising very clearly what you need and what you expect!
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How to Identify Defects in Old Buildings
Moreover, inadequate draining and cracking concrete are also evident. Cement, bricks, concrete, wood, etc. are the most common raw materials of Indian houses. Older houses have older bricks and mortars exposed to temperature fluctuations and moisture years after years.
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Securing Your Property: Walls vs. Fences in South Africa
Whether you choose a wall, a fence, or electric security options, the most important thing is to take proactive steps to protect your home and loved ones.
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Innovative Trends in Home Architecture: What Today's Architects are Bringing to Residential Design
Discover how architects are reshaping homes with sustainability and technology.
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Hydronic Heating
Hydronic heating is one of the most popular home-heating solutions today. It functions by circulating warmed water through radiators, radiant tubing in one’s ceilings or floors, or through warming baseboards.
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The Role of a Domestic Worker vs a Cleaning Contractor .
Discover whether hiring a domestic worker or opting for a cleaning contractor is the best choice for maintaining your South African home.
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Brick laying
This article will dissect two elements involved in construction, namely: brick laying and retaining walls.
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Refrigerators and Freezers
There are many options to choose from when it comes to settling on which design, function or model of refrigerator or freezer you want. Use this guide to make sure you consider all the most important aspects of this central kitchen element before you make a purchase. Refrigerators can be either freestanding or integrated into the surrounding cupboard space. Making the choice b
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Split air conditioner system: an energy efficient and affordable alternative
During hot summer seasons, air conditioners are a must to keep your home cool and fresh. For effective control of your home’s internal temperatures, a split air conditioner is a viable consideration that has the benefit of being unobtrusive and subtle.
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Why Should You Consider Granite Countertops?
Most people look at granite as something expensive! Yet granites are different, in color and in prices.
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