Concrete Waterproofing
Depending upon the type of waterproofing application you use, the concrete will be out of action for a certain period of time. It’s very important that the manufacturer’s guidelines are followed.
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Vacuum Cleaners
Vacuum cleaners have become more powerful and functional as technology advances, keeping our homes clean and lowering the risk of allergies developing.
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Exploring the Rising Demand for Garden and Guard Huts in South Africa
Uncover the benefits of garden and guard huts for South African homeowners, from enhancing outdoor spaces to boosting security.
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Your Ultimate Home Renovations Check List
When it comes to property renovations, doing your homework beforehand is the first thing you owe yourself. Proper planning is of paramount importance and it eliminates the two monsters that normally haunt both contractor and property owner; one: going over my budget, and two: taking longer than expected to finish a project. From my expensive bad experiences, I have come to understand that there is a checklist to follow if you want your property revamp to be hassle free.
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Shades Cleaning
Cleaning blinds is the one thing that many people put off but only takes about 30 minutes a month to get of your conscious. Shades come in many different types and each has its own way of cleaning and these can usually be made out of delicate fabrics, like silk, should be professionally cleaned, everything else you can clean on your own .
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Over 60 and looking to renovate
The application requirements differ with each of the above categories, considering that relevant dwellings may likely only fall within the third category, only these requirements are listed below:
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Stair casing
Everyone can follow some tips so that their staircase is cleaner and safer for their family. Stairs are sometimes the most often walked area in the house, dust and dirt can build up very easily and cause major problems in your home.
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Eco-friendly irrigation techniques for your garden
Drip irrigation systems allow gradual trickles of water to enter the soil, while soaker hoses have small holes in their surface that also allow small amounts of water to escape.
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Solar Power
However, we as homeowners need to keep in mind that we still have a responsibility to the environment and our earth when we build our beautiful homes.
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Lighting Materials and Supplies
Sometimes all a house needs is a little more light, during the winter it starts to get dark early. Installing new kinds of Light fixtures into your house could brighten up those early nights and make life at home a little more easy. It does not require too many tools or too much money.
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Tips on Solar Geyser
Solar powered Geysers should be the future of many modern households, they help and save lots of needed electricity, especially during these Load Shedding times. Although buying them may be the hardest step, giving them a regular check is always recommended.
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Handy Tips for Purchasing Building Materials
Discover expert advice for navigating the process of purchasing building materials and achieving your home improvement goals in South Africa.
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Garden pots and plants
Choosing your garden plant and pot should mainly be focused around building the aesthetic and enjoyment you have in your garden. Here are a few Garden pot ideas for you to try at home.
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In-line Chlorine dispenser
The unit dispenses mild calcium based chlorine that forms a sanitising solution which is non-corrosive, pH stable and environmentally safe.
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Lounge Room Furniture
Choosing the new look for your living room can be a very difficult decision. There are many options but they are often expensive or do not suit the need for your family or friends. So to make your life a little easier here are a few comfortable furniture options available and there details.
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Three people can view three different channels at the same time under one roof with just ONE subscription!
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