Dry Walling
A Drywall is used to construct walls and ceilings and has become a popular material now used in most homes. Drywall is also known as wallboard, plasterboard or gypsum board and takes the form of panels of gypsum plaster pressed between thick sheets of fiberglass matting or heavyweight paper that are called facers and backers. Additives that prevent mildew, condensation or flammability can be induced in the gypsum plaster layer.
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Most buildings have some form of barrier installed at the lower of the wall to prevent water rising up in this way
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There are very few elements of design that have managed to hold their own through centuries. One of these elements, however, is the chandelier.
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Cordless Blinds
Nowadays, homeowners have more options than ever before when it comes to window treatments. People are now able to have many different types of blinds, this includes multiple lift systems, Each is unique and provides end users with vastly different functionality. One of the most popular today are cordless blinds.
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Kitchen Plumbers
Sometimes things go wrong with your kitchen and you are just lost on what to do. Small and basic things can easily go wrong in your kitchen plumbing that have very understandable methods to fix. It is not always completely necessary to have a Plumber but if you do contact some of our trained professionals.
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Garden Furniture
Whether you’re looking to lounge outside on lazy summer days, enjoy a family-friendly poolside set-up or indulge in a classy patio dining unit for sundowners; garden furniture has a central role in your outdoor living experience.
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How to ventilate your bathroom
Bathrooms are notoriously prone to dampness and poor ventilation because they are exposed to higher levels of warm steam, water and heat than other household areas.
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Landscape design for beginners
Designing your garden can be an exciting and challenging task, but also a daunting one. If you’re unsure of how to begin, but want to make your garden an expression of your own creativity, consider following these tips to start off your garden design adventure.
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Cleaning Service
When your work life becomes too time consuming and your house starts to build up a bit too much dust, a cleaning service can come in handy at these times. There are many different kinds of services that are up for offer. These are there to suit your time schedules and needs.
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Fireplace Cleaning
Having a home wood fireplace can be great for the cold times in the winter, the only problem that can come with this is safety and having to clean up so you still have that comfortable clean look of a fireplace
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A common risk is the construction/ addition of unauthorized building structures which may add to the structural burden
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Exploring the Feasibility of Installing a Tennis Court at Home
While installing a tennis court at home may require careful consideration and planning, the benefits it offers in terms of convenience, fitness, and entertainment make it a worthwhile investment for many homeowners
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Carpets are definitely one of the most popular floor coverings in South African homes and for good reason. They are comfortable, attractive, durable, and add character and warmth to any home. Nothing quite beats the feel of carpet. If you are thinking about laying new carpet, you’ll need to visit a carpet supplier.
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The perfect garden plants for a hot and humid climate
During hot summer seasons, humidity and temperature increases can take their toll on your garden and cause many plants to wilt and die under the strain of a hot climate.
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Fiberglass vs. Concrete Pools in South Africa:
Ultimately, the decision between a fibreglass and a concrete pool depends on various factors, including your budget, desired customisation, time frame, maintenance capabilities, and geographical location.
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For your and family's safety we urge you to deal and authorize entry to documented professionals only .
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