Grass Disease
Lawn diseases are a common and frustrating probability for even the most dedicated gardening-enthusiast. Knowing the types of lawn disease and their causes are an important step towards limiting your lawns vulnerability to diseases.
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However, as tedious as the chore of cleaning windows can be, making an effort to keep them sparkling is important and beneficial for you and your family. Consider the following reasons why window cleaning will make your life better.
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Metal Balustrades
The stain resistance of stainless steel comes from an extremely thin but firm and self-repairing film which is formed on the surface. This film imparts the properties of stainless steel: It is high quality, very safe and due to being stainless is great for hygiene
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Garden pots: display your plants creatively
Choose wisely when it comes to the material of your garden pot as certain types of pots have advantages over others.
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Interior design mistakes to avoid
Interior design is a true art that some are more naturally skilled in than others. Improve your interior designing skills by taking note of these definite don’ts:
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What Are Architraves?
Architraves add elegance and functionality to your home by covering gaps and imperfections. Learn how to choose the best materials for your space and how they can improve insulation, boost property value, and protect your home from damage.
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Tile Suppliers
Choosing the correct tiles for your home is an important and vital task. Choosing the right tiles will ensure aesthetic benefits as well as durability.
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Gazebos and Pergolas
Pergolas will help you have that beautiful structure in your backyard to give you shade, cover your hot tub, or simply define an outdoor space into something special. This can be done all on your own and let you add that last aesthetic touch.
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Urban residents in South Africa can benefit greatly from splash pools, especially in areas with limited space. Splash pools offer a refreshing escape from the heat and can add value to urban properties without taking up much space.
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Types of Air Conditioners
Air conditioners certainly provide comfort for those living in harsh climatic environments. South Africa certainly is one of these.
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Best Home Fitness Equipment
One of the many problems that comes with having a busy schedule is finding time to work out. If you really don't have time to go to the gym then having a few small pieces of equipment at your house will let you work out at home and save you time.
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Benefits of a large Garage
Having a garage can offer numerous benefits for homeowners, and considering a flat-roofed garage for potential future home extension can be a practical choice
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Wallpaper is the homemakers dream when it comes to creating spaces that are personal, unique and have an element of expertise.
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The Role of a project manager
The project manager will be responsible for general liason between the field and the architect and owne
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Bamboo Blinds
Bamboo blinds can add a nice natural touch to your house. They are reasonably pricey but are easy to maintain and put up. With a few simple tools you can have your bamboo blinds set up in your house to give your room the natural flow of light through them.
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Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Home Theatre System
Explore the complete process of setting up a home theatre system, from optimizing room acoustics to choosing the best audio-visual equipment for your entertainment needs in South Africa.
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Selecting correct Cupboards and Wardrobes
You can choose between a pre-built or custom designed storage spaces, built in or free standing. Cupboards increase the storage space in your home and can be found in the bedroom, bathroom, laundry or almost any space that requires storage. Without doubt they add value to any home.
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