Limestone Renders
Having limestone rendering can be a very safe option for you and your family! Plaster is coating a surface with cement render or plaster finish on an internal or external wall. Plaster is for decoration and protection of every building.
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When do your chimney and fireplace require a professional clean?
Keeping your chimney and fireplace clean has a lot more benefits besides basic hygiene. A clean chimney and fireplace reduces a smoky odour in the home, allows a fire to burn nicely, prevents smoke from billowing into living spaces and decreases the chance of a fire emergency.
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A balustrade is in layman’s terms simply a row of repeating balusters. Balusters are small posts that support the upper rail of a railing.
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Tar surfacing vs Paving (An interesting debate)
Another issue to take note of is the surface on the ground (is there grass, paving, tar, concrete, sand etc).
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Dishwashers: Why they trump hand washing every time
The debate between using a dishwasher, or relying on old school hand-washing techniques, deals with concerns like energy-efficiency, time constraints, water-saving and the hygiene and cleanliness of kitchen items.
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DIY Roof Repair vs. Hiring a Roofing Specialist
Unauthorised access to your roof is dangerous. You might fall from the roof, damage your roof tiles etc.
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Wrought Iron Gates
Wrought iron gates can indeed be an excellent choice for driveway gates due to their durability, security, and aesthetic appeal.
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Your first building experience?
While you do want the best quality construction, you also want to ensure that every cent you spend is delivering value
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Pet-Friendly Carpet and Fabric Protection Strategies
When it comes to creating a comfortable and inviting living space, pet owners often face a unique challenge: keeping their furry friends happy without sacrificing the beauty and cleanliness of their home
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Home Gym Equipment
If you are a person who prefers to exercise in the comfort of his or her own home as opposed to a large, busy gym then a home gym is a beneficial decision to make
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Taste, style, comfort and budget can all play a role in choosing your chairs. Styles and trends are constantly changing, so shopping around until you find something that suits your taste is a good idea!
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Cabinet Doors
Cabinet doors serve a few purposes. Firstly they conceal what is behind the doors and then of course add to the decor of the room. It is therefore most important to choose the types, styles and designs of cabinet doors wisely as they can enhance or diminish the whole visual appearance of the room. Cabinets can either be free standing, built-in to a wall or affixed to it!
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Cupboards and Wardrobes
Drawers and pull out racks are a good idea to include in your design. Suppliers of cupboards and wardrobes should offer a good quality product and service.
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Automatic Gates
An automated gate can be opened via remote or from a control inside the home, making it an investment that leads to comfort and convenience. Automatic gates now come in a variety of styles and variations, each suited to specific homes. In order to invest in the most beneficial style of automated gate, you should definitely have at least a basic understanding of the different options available to you. Different gate styles are better suited to different
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Renovating your bathroom
Not all Home Renovations is created equal. Some upgrades may add immense value to your home, while’s others may not
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Book Cases and Cabinets
Whether modern or traditional, there is a suprisingly diverse range of options to choose from when it comes to installing book cases or cabinets in your home
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Going From Good to Great using Overlays and Microtoppings
"How do you go from doing what anyone can do to creating your own distinctive look and giving customers exceptional projects?"
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