Bathroom Ventilation
A shower ventilation system can be very efficient if it is placed in the correct position so that all steam can be sucked in, if this is not done correctly and. build up takes place in your bathroom there is more chance of a a build up of mould or mildew.
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How to keep your baby’s nursery pest and bug free
A baby’s room should be the safest room in the house considering your precious newborn will be spending most of his/her time there during the initial stages of their life. As a parent, keeping your baby’s room free of any insects or pests that could bother or potentially harm your child is a must. Here are some guidelines to ensure your baby is not bothered by household creepy-crawlers.
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Garage Door Repairs
It can become a huge problem when your garage door stops working, there are many small things that can go wrong but can be easily fixed if you know what you are looking for. A bad connection or a faulty transmitter these can all be repaired with a little guidance.
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Bedroom furniture: Choosing a bedframe for a good night’s sleep
Having a comfortable bed is a must if you want a good night’s sleep and an energy-filled day. That’s why putting in extra effort when choosing the perfect bed frame for your mattress and linen is well worth it.
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Kitchen critters: how to get rid of cockroaches
Cockroaches are amongst the most detested and, often, feared household pests. Keeping cockroaches out of your kitchen is important for hygienic reasons and for purposes of general comfort for both your family and any guests.
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Bi-Fold Doors
Bi-Fold doors have slowly become more popular in the modern day homes. They look sleek, let in light and join up our homes with our gardens. If the weather changes you can simply open or close your doors without any difficulty or fuss. They only become a problem when you look at the price.
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Preliminary steps to take once you’ve decided to build
Whether you’re building a home from the ground up, or are embarking on a remodelling project, there are some vital simple steps to making sure your vision for your home gets fulfilled with as little stress and as much satisfaction for you as possible.
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Bathroom renovations: Creative ways to modernise your bathroom
The bathroom vanity serves as a central element in your bathroom renovations, combining storage functionality with aesthetic appeal.
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Keep your wallpaper clean with these easy tips
Maintaining your wallpaper is vital to ensure that it lasts longer, keeps its colour and texture, and looks professional. By following these easy cleaning tips, you can make sure that you avoid damaging the wallpaper in your home through faulty cleaning techniques and can keep it looking brand-new.
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Lighting installation
Lighting installation is can usually be much more difficult than people think. There are many things to take into account when you are installing a new light into your house, if all things are taken into account before and during the job, you should have a new light in no time.
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Wallpaper Cleaning
Test out a small patch of wallpaper with a tiny bit of dishwashing liquid and water to see if it is suitable for washing.
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Tar surfacing vs Paving (An interesting debate)
Another issue to take note of is the surface on the ground (is there grass, paving, tar, concrete, sand etc).
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What is the difference between Grid-Tied, Hybrid and Off-Grid solar systems?
Africa municipalities are currently buying electricity from homeowners at a lower rate than selling it to them.
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Window Installation
When positioned correctly you will receive optimum ventilation and lighting while still maintaining security, safety and privacy.
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Air Conditioning Installation Guide
Air conditioning installation should ideally be performed by an experienced professional. However, if you’re comfortable working with HVAC equipment and electricity, it is feasible to do it yourself. Air conditioning installation is time consuming and requires that you follow a number of steps so that the unit works properly and efficiently!
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Swimming Pool Materials and Supplies
Make sure you have the correct Material and supplies for your pool, this will give you the best and most enjoyable experience in your home swimming pool. Daily and weekly work on the pool is all that is needed for this to be achieved.
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