PSG Insure
With Spring in the air and the weather improving, many of us will be thinking of getting fit for the warmer months.
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Glass cutting
If you ever need to cut glass for some DIY work at home, follow these simple steps. These are 2 simple methods to cutting glass if you do not have a glass cutter. These 2 methods involve a few tools and need to be done very carefully for complete success
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Garden Irrigation Systems
Having a water irrigation system in your garden is something that helps keep your garden fresh and growing, as well as helping to keep your water usage and costs down.
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Three people can view three different channels at the same time under one roof with just ONE subscription!
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How to choose the perfect tumble dryer
For busy households with children and plenty of messy after-school activities, a tumble dryer can be a real relief when it comes to handling mountains of clothes. This is especially so if you do not have enough space to hang up row after row of wet clothing or have multiple loads of washing to take care of each week.
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Understanding the basics of concreting
Concrete is a central building implement to home improvement and construction. It is, therefore, important for homeowners to be knowledgeable about what constitutes good quality concrete and how concrete should be correctly used to get the best value for money.
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Carpet Tiles
Finally, nylon is a carpet material that offers the benefits of being fire-retardant and antistatic, as well as being a highly durable product that is easy to clean.
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Choosing the right colours
But it's never easy to pick the right shades that will evoke the right emotions or make the space function the way you want.
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Tree Surgery
Tree surgeons or otherwise called a Aborist is a person who takes care and maintains tree's, this is often needed as people happen to have conflict with their garden trees all the time due to natural growth. It is a tree surgeons job to solve this by maintaining the beauty of the tree but solving the problem.
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Lighting Maintenance
Its time to have a look at your electricity and decide if you are doing it right, our home lights are what use most of our electricity every month. If you are able to utilise as little lights as possible in a room then you are succeeding in saving power through light maintenance.
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Top 5 Swimming Pool Trends for 2024:
Explore the top swimming pool trends for 2024, from eco-friendly natural pools to smart technology innovations. Transform your backyard with sustainable designs, minimalist aesthetics, and luxurious water features that enhance both beauty and functionality.
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Brick laying
This article will dissect two elements involved in construction, namely: brick laying and retaining walls.
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How to identify a good painter.
As for roof painting and waterproofing a good painter must clean it thoroughly before painting or waterproofing it.
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Eco Cleaning tips
Sometimes when we use those chemicals they actually do more bad than good. Using Eco friendly products for those simple and quick cleans will be your own little part towards helping the environment.
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Cleaning your Patio
Cleaning your patio and maintaining it is very easy if it becomes a part of your weekly routine, just simple jobs that do not take much time but could have a big effect on the look. A few times a year a nice spring clean can also make all the difference.
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Design a recreation room for the whole family
A recreation room in your home can be a wonderful source of escape and relaxation from the daily stresses of life. Recreation rooms also encourage family time and provide a good place for older children to socialize with their friends without taking over the whole house. Here are some ideas to get your recreation room planning and building off to a good start:
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