Make your home bar the best in town
Building a home bar is one of the best ways to establish a central hub in your home where family and friends can gather to socialise. Home bars make entertaining guests that much easier and enable one to effortlessly host social events without having to spend all your time in the kitchen preparing snacks and drinks. Follow these top tips to ensure your home bar is the best in town:
Read moreGarages: keep your vehicle safe at home
A garage is a fully enclosed unit with walls, a roof and a garage door that is appropriately sized to fit one or more vehicles. Garages can either be constructed as extensions of the home or can be built as an entirely separate unit.
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Bad smells. A steady flow of water removes bad smells, whereas stagnant water and the collection of materials that decompose over time create bad odours that eventually permeates your house.
Read moreProskim Construction
You need to have a steady hand and a well experienced eye. So here is a few tips for you
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Get roof repairs done in Cape Town before winter arrives!
It’s well worth your while to chat to the friendly team of roofing specialists at Empire Roofing if you suspect there may be trouble up above! You could save yourself a lot of time and money by getting to the root of any roofing issues before they become major problems!
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All you need to know about roof waterproofing
Overall strict compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions is an imperative. Opting for professional roof waterproofing services will ensure that there are no errors in the roof waterproofing process and ensure longevity of the membrane for long years.
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Over 60 and looking to renovate
The application requirements differ with each of the above categories, considering that relevant dwellings may likely only fall within the third category, only these requirements are listed below:
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Security Maintenance and repairs
People often forget that there is Maintenance to be done on there alarm systems, this is why if you have a an alarm system you should know to test your system monthly to ensure connectivity and to make sure everything is working the way it should.
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Wrought Iron Gates
Wrought iron gates can indeed be an excellent choice for driveway gates due to their durability, security, and aesthetic appeal.
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Hydronic Heating
Hydronic heating is one of the most popular home-heating solutions today. It functions by circulating warmed water through radiators, radiant tubing in one’s ceilings or floors, or through warming baseboards.
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Carpet Tiles
Finally, nylon is a carpet material that offers the benefits of being fire-retardant and antistatic, as well as being a highly durable product that is easy to clean.
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Construction is a very delicate practice
soil samples have to be taken to predict the standup time
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Fire Place Cleaning
Having a fire place in your house is always a nice pleasure, the only time things get a bit tough is when it is time for that cleaning job that always leaves you messy and doesn't really seem to do much good for the smoke flow.
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What is Composite and what is it used for?
There is so much to say about Wood that an essay could be written and still not have covered everything
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What to do after a power outage during storms
Make sure that the hot water heater is filled before turning on the power to it.
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The perfect garden plants for a hot and humid climate
During hot summer seasons, humidity and temperature increases can take their toll on your garden and cause many plants to wilt and die under the strain of a hot climate.
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Fire Doors: the ultimate in fire protection
Fire doors are one of the most innovative, simple and effective fire-safety implements that you can have on your property today. Fire doors save lives, they can be seamlessly installed into your home and can save you a lot of expense in the event of a fire.
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